Do you believe there are such things as vibrations or wealth frequencies? These days, getting prosperous or generally achieving what you want in life seems to involve not just having adequate resources, determination and skills. Possessing the right brain waves is also important; perhaps even the most important of all.
What is Wealth Frequency?
Studies suggest that meditating lowers brainwaves to a lower frequency which is best for relaxing and focusing. This is known as low alpha. You can also lower your brain waves to achieve Theta frequency which is best for manifesting or lucid dreaming. However, for tuning in to wealth frequency, experts recommend raising your brain waves.
Emotional Frequencies
In his book, Power vs. Force, David measured the frequencies for human emotions from 20 to 1,000. Hawkins suggests that at the lower frequencies, people are solid or heavy while they are light and glowing in upper frequencies where we get the feelings of peace, love, acceptance and other positive feelings that allow us to understand better and see more clearly.
Hawkins proposes that when you are in lower frequencies, for example 20 (shame), 30 (guilt), 75 (grief), 100 fear (100), and 175 (pride), you are more prone to illnesses and problems because these emotions are draining and you are likely to spread more guilt, more fear, etc…, emotions that drag you and others you come into contact with.
When you are in the higher frequency levels, you are able to influence others more positively. To support this concept, the Global Consciousness Project of Princeton detected a negative consciousness just before the attack on the twin towers on September 21, 2001. On the other hand, it detected a positive blip before the inauguration of President Barack Obama, proving that individuals are affected by the frequencies of the whole and the earth is affected by the combined energies of individuals.
Changing Thought Patterns
Raising brain waves does not necessarily raise your frequency but it changes your thought patterns and you need to do this if you are to successfully diminish the effects of your ego in your decision making and dealing with others.
How then can you find your frequency for wealth? Well, obviously the first step is to adjust your thought patterns to one that allows you to think more objectively and clearly. The second is you try to lift yourself out of the emotional frequencies that hold you back. Acceptance, peace, love, willingness, courage; all of these emotions are positive and belong to the higher frequencies which enable you influence others more positively.
According to a related study, an individual operating at 300 frequency level is capable of counterbalancing 90,000 individuals operating below 200 levels while an individual operating at 600 (peace) is capable of counterbalancing 10,000,000 individuals operating below 200.
The capacity to influence others is your key to finding your wealth frequency. It does not mean that you will not experience any failures, but since you are clear of mind, focused and in touch with higher level consciousness, wealth is a lot easier to achieve than when you are operating in the energy draining frequency levels.