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Chapter 4: Fitness / Beauty / Health Related Businesses

You’ll be pretty surprised to find out that there’s a lot about beauty and wellness that you could make a business of simply at home. There are plenty to choose from, whichever suits your skills, personality and passion. These kind of jobs normally require a prerequisite which is the eagerness to achieve and share beauty and wellness to everyone. Not only are you imparting your skills and passion, you're also sharing that fulfilling experience of looking and being healthy and beautiful.

11.) Yoga Instructor

Yoga is basically a practice of self-discipline or being able to control one’s physical body achieving a calm and relaxed state of mind. Being a yoga instructor can be made a home business that you will surely like. Most people nowadays are too stressed with work, frustrated, and tired. The sad part is that not everyone could easily overcome the problems that life has to offer. The good part is when you come in. As a yoga instructor, you're not just teaching people to control their bodies but also teach them how to ease their minds. And of course, you could make good money out of this business. If you're hesitant of going down this path, think about how you could help people. This is more of turning passion into a business and one that helps others.

Stress Relief

A tough workweek could do so much for a person let alone do the same job over and over for a few years. It really puts a toll on anyone which is why most people turn to yoga. With yoga, people learn how to control their breathing, meditate, and relax. It’s a common sight to see people going out once in a while for a drink to unwind and relieve all the stress. But does the stress really go away after you’ve bathed yourself in alcohol? The answer is definitely no and most likely you’ll earn yourself a nasty headache. You could be that person who could bring about a change in these people and help them unwind and learn to relax in a less damaging way. Self-discipline has always been the best way to control one’s stress. If you’re already an expert at meditating and know yoga, you could easily turn your experience and knowledge into a self-made business.

12.) Home Beautician

This home business aims to bring out the beauty of anyone. Why engage in this kind of business? First off, this business is based upon your skills. This means the more talented you are at doing makeup, getting nails done, and basically anything related to beautification, the more qualified you are to become a home beautician. You need not have a degree of any sort to become one. There are a lot of online courses on how you can learn the basics and the more intricate methods of making anyone beautiful. This of course, is not limited to makeup application or manicure and pedicure. This is a broad kind of gig that could include hair removal, body piercing, foot and hand massage, and more.

Will I Prosper In This Kind Of Business?

There’s a lot of money in this kind of business since everyone at some point would want to have their hair, nails, skin, and just about any part of their body done. The idea is to first learn how things are done, what equipment you should be using, and being familiar with this kind of industry. There are a lot of makeup artists that have become famous with their profession and so can you. Learning is the easier task but the actual work can be a bit of a challenge for those who are untrained.

How Much Will It Cost Me?

If you're going to focus on being a makeup artist you may need to shell out a bit of cash for the equipment. However, unlike any other type of business, your equipment doesn’t get broken or would need upkeep. Makeup doesn’t run out fast and you’d already have a lot of applications before you could use up a whole kit.

13.) Personal Fitness Trainer

Let’s face it, there are a lot of people who are in need of help. The kind of help that ends up with being physically fit and healthy. Have you ever encountered a fitness trainer before? It’s easy to know why people hire them in to begin with. These people are physically fit and they have their body to show that. No questions asked. You should be one too! If you want to pursue this kind of business, you must first invest in yourself. There’s no product here that could help you out that much but simply yourself. Fitness trainers are adept in the field of physical fitness.

This business can be a high paying one if you know how to pick your clients. Although it’s not all the time that you could encounter a good tipper but you’ll encounter one every now and then. Aside from being a fun business, this also lets you stay healthy yourself. Just remember, being a personal trainer is somewhat being an inspiration, a role model that your clients would look up to. You don’t really need to invest a lot of money in becoming a fitness trainer but rather a lot of your time. But if you're stuck at home with nothing else to do but spent your time, this will be the perfect opportunity for you.

14.) Massage Therapist

To become a massage therapist you must first acquire certification. Health regulations normally require this if in case you run into some problems with your clients. A home based massage therapist is a nice business to start especially if you're familiar with this field. You could startup within your home letting your clients enjoy a relaxing massage. This will cut costs down drastically. Just be sure that you do make a room in your house that’s suited for this business. You may need to invest in a massage table that’s specially designed to be used for massage sessions. Oils and other essential items like scented candles are also part of your expenses.

If you’re planning on putting up a small massage business within your home, it’s best to have someone to assist you. Train someone that you know who’s willing to do the job. Later on more and more clients will pour in depending on the quality of services you offer.

15.) Beauty Adviser

Most people face problems with their looks, their style, and choice of clothing. It’s a normal situation for any woman to encounter hours and hours picking clothes in the closet only to end up not picking anything. You can harness this indecisiveness as an opportunity for you to put up your own beauty adviser business. You could tell people what and what not to wear, how they style themselves and how to look extremely gorgeous. Of course, you need to have an in-depth understanding of how the fashion world works and how you could apply it to your business. Be creative, embrace the trend, and stand out. It’s a matter of creativity that this kind of business will prosper.