Innovation and Small Business by Brychan Thomas, Christopher Miller, et al - HTML preview

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The publication of this first volume would not have been possible without the assistance of a number of people and institutions to whom we are grateful. We are indebted to the Welsh Enterprise Institute and the Centre for Enterprise at the University of Glamorgan and to the University of Wales Newport Business School, for their support in the course of editing this book. We are also grateful to all the chapter authors, for their hard work and contributions to the book and for their helpful comments and advice. Special thanks go to Book Boon at Ventus Publishing, and its publishing team, for helping us to keep to schedule.

Finally, we would like to make a special thank you to our families for their support and encouragement.

Dr. Brychan Thomas, Dr. Christopher Miller and Lyndon Murphy

Cardiff and Newport

December 2010

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Innovation and Small Business: Volume I