Innovation and Small Business by Brychan Thomas, Christopher Miller, et al - HTML preview

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Book publishing graphic design technology


A6 pocket sized books

Market and targeted customers

UK, USA and the English speaking world

Company’s current mission and focus

To develop the company in the book

publishing trade over the next three years.

Table 7.3: Literary Book Publishing

The initial markets are in the UK and America to be followed internationally. Work with partners is finite for international distribution. Once the product is proved LBP will approach international chains such as Marks and Spencer. As a small start-up company they are not ready to sell to Marks and Spencer who

have 6 warehouses and 140 coffee shops in the UK. The large international chain stores will consider the product once it is proven. A contact for London and Cambridge has taken the books to shops that are willing to pay a higher price. The product will sell better in the South East of England and it is hoped that this will be the case with international markets. The company organised a short story competition for authors on its Web site for the winners and runners-up to have their first books published. There are also competitions for poetry and writing for children.

Mobile Phone Security

The Mobile Phone Security (MPS) company is a spinout of the University with limited public support

through the Spinout programme. It was formed in 2004 by the Founder who as an undergraduate

developed a unique patent pending software application which overcomes password protection technology limitations. The application is different to existing mobile security software since it is undetectable. This provides high levels of data security since there is no evidence that data is hidden. Once the application is installed in a mobile phone it creates a second menu for users to store confidential contact information, office documents, pictures or video files. These are safe since there is no trace of the second menu which is not visible in the event of unauthorised use, theft or loss. Since the menu mirrors standard phone functionality it is easy for the user to navigate requiring little effort to learn.

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Innovation and Small Business: Volume I

Global Start-ups and business development

Since the take up of 3G services has not been as strong as the industry forecast companies are looking for third party content to differentiate between their own and competitors’ service and product offerings. This will result in third party software developers such as MPS to be in a strong position. It is envisaged that the primary route to the OEM market will be through regional licensing agreements with major network operators. Through the pre-installation of the software in phones this will enable users to experience the software application and will allow the encouragement of new potential users through direct marketing by the network operators. In order to encourage new users to adopt the service the try before you buy

approach is a powerful tactic.

The ability to differentiate the network operators’ product offering, for example the incorporation of email facilities and second secure message facilities for secure contacts, will relative to the downloadable version also allow a premium price. End user pricing of the network provider is expected to be in the range of £9 to £12 a year. As well as repeat business for the network operators each time a user upgrades a phone the software application will generate considerable new revenue streams. It is also anticipated that the software, with time phased licence agreements and enhanced product differentiation, will enable network operators to increase their market share through regional exclusivity rights and to further increase revenue. Table 7.4 summarises the profile and background of the company.

Profile and Background - Mobile Phone Security

Brief overview of the firm’s activities, its mission and focus


Data security industry


Mobile phone technology


Application software

Market and targeted customers


Company’s current mission and focus

To develop the company in the data security

industry over the next three years.

Table 7.4: Mobile Phone Security

Pet Care

The founder started-up as an incorporated company in May 2004, using Spinout programme public

support, with a new product that needed development following considerable research into the market.

When the company was at the early development stage there was a need for a manufacturer. It was

difficult to find early stage support since contacts were reluctant to provide backing and were cautious.

The original idea arose from outside the University from a company formed by the founder in 1986. This produced water beds for pets and a cage system as a holding bay for animals before and after hospital.

Collaborative work originally took place with another University. The bed, for use in animal hospitals, was new on the market and with this product it was the first time the founder had started a company. From the experience of doing this the founder decided to start a company again.

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Innovation and Small Business: Volume I

Global Start-ups and business development

With the present company the first product is an outside cat cabin, which is being marketed on the

company Web site. This has been developed following the founder’s experience of housing cats while at work. There is a clear demand arising from owners not being able to have a cat flap in a wall, or where the cost to replace a door is prohibitive (@ £800 in some cases). From this the idea for a cat cabin arose.

Table 7.5 summarises the profile and background of the company.

Profile and Background - Pet Care

Brief overview of the firm’s activities, its mission and focus


Pet products


Pet care technologies


Specialised pet care products – cat house,

pet bed and animal warm mattress.

Market and targeted customers

UK (in the first year) – pet super stores,

multiple retailers, pet shops, privately owned

high street outlets, veterinary surgeries.

Europe (second year).

North American market (third year).

Company’s current mission and focus

Through the development and sale of pet

products the company wil establish itself in

the UK market and progress to the European

and United States markets.

Table 7.5: Pet Care

In the first year the company concentrated on the UK and Irish markets. Since this was a challenge it was decided to concentrate on one product. In the second year the company sold into the European, United States and Chinese markets. The Chinese market is a large window of opportunity since the majority of homes have a cat and therefore there is an immense market. Since the cat house is a unique shape

representing the head of cat at the entrance it looks good. It is therefore functional since the cat head fits into the garden as a piece of furniture and appears as an attractive product to customers on the company Web site. This was taken into account in the overall marketing and e-business strategy.

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Innovation and Small Business: Volume I

Global Start-ups and business development

Under Grad

Under Grad is a company, which provides a scheme that encourages companies to employ the best

engineering and technology students through the company’s Web site. The co-founders started the

company about seven years ago in January 2003 with public support through the Spinout programme. The idea for the company arose due to the national decline in the number of students gaining employment in the areas of engineering and technology. Following this being recognised as an opportunity in 2002, a limited company was formed in January 2003. Office space was provided at the University spin-off

premises with the help of the Head of the University Commercial Services. The ambition of the founders is to help the University and other universities (like minded organisations and departments) to find industrial employment for their engineering and technology students. The two founders are both employed by the University in the School of Technology and when they formed the company they were the two

directors. Office space, support staff and facilities are provided in the School, as well as the office space at the University spin-off premises. Table 7.6 summarises the profile and background of the company.

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Innovation and Small Business: Volume I

Global Start-ups and business development

Profile and Background - Under Grad

Brief overview of the firm’s activities, its mission and focus




Student employment systems


Employment service for companies to employ

engineering and technology students.

Market and targeted customers

 Engineering and technology students

 Companies

 Universities

Company’s current mission and focus

To maintain and consolidate company

activities in the employment of engineering

and technology students over the next five


Table 7.6: Under Grad

The company was developed within the University's School of Technology. The firm places

undergraduate students at a host company while studying part-time for a degree using the Web site. Two days are spent by trainees at the University and the rest of the week at work. Complex systems have been developed to support the scheme, by a franchise centre, through innovative support systems with the award of the ISO 9000:2000 accreditation of the work. Originally work was aimed at higher education institutions in Britain, but following modification overseas colleges and a private European training organisation have become involved. Franchise centres deliver key skills modules at level 1 through to five-year supported programmes. The company provides valuable work experience to students during their university course, with no fees and a bursary up to £9,000. Businesses benefit from motivated

undergraduates studying at university, working with the businesses, and they become competent and

experienced company members. Franchise centres are cost effective. These have been very successful and have helped to reverse trends in declining numbers and entry qualifications for engineering and

technology students. There have also been follow-on efforts such as the retention of students. Through students being more aware of potential debt, and the incentive of a bursary and work experience they are attracted to the scheme.


Since most of the global start-up companies are fairly young they have tended to report early stage development in terms of business growth. It is, therefore, planned to undertake follow-up interviews in future years to develop a longitudinal study to reveal business developments. In order to do this a coherent structure for both the data and the analysis will be essential.

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Innovation and Small Business: Volume I

Global Start-ups and business development

Recommended Reading

Thomas, B., Brooksbank, D. and Thompson, R. (2009) Optimising the regional infrastructure for higher education global start-ups in Wales, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 3(2), pp.



Amin, A. (2000) Organisational learning through communities of practice, paper presented at the

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Asheim, B.T., Isaksen, A. (2002) Regional Innovation Systems: The Integration Of Local ‘Sticky’ And Global ‘Ubiquitous’ Knowledge, Journal of Technology Transfer, 27, pp. 77-86.

Autio, E. and Sapienza, H.J. (2000) Comparing process and born global perspectives in the international growth of technology-based new firms, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Centre for

Entrepreneurial Studies, Babson College, pp. 413-424.

Autio, E., Sapienza, H.J. and Almeida, J.G. (2000) Effects of age at entry, knowledge intensity and imitability on international growth, Academy of Management Journal, 43(5), pp. 090-924.

Bell, J. (1995) The internationalisation of small computer software firms: a further challenge to “stage”

theories, European Journal of Marketing, 29(8), pp. 60-75.

Bristow, G. (2005) Everyone’s a ‘winner’: problematising the discourse of regional competitiveness, Journal of Economic Geography, 5, pp. 285-304.

Brooksbank, D. and Thomas, B. (2000) Assessing the Challenges and Requirements of Higher Education Spinout Enterprises, Detailed interviews with spinout companies, Section 2 WDA Report, 68 pages, August.

Brooksbank, D., Thomas, B., Miller, C. and Thompson, R. (2006) Generic regional support infrastructure schema for global higher education spinout start-ups, GlobalStart project report, IPS2001-41038, June.

Bunnell, T.G. and Coe, N.M. (2001) Spaces and scales of innovation, Progress in Human Geography, 25, pp. 569–589.

Burgel, O. and Murray, G.C. (2000) The international market entry choices of start-yup companies in high-technology industries, Journal of International Marketing, 8(2), pp. 33-62.

Cooke, P. (2001) Strategies for Regional Innovation Systems: Learning Transfer and Applications, UNIDO World Industrial Development Report (WIDR).

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Innovation and Small Business: Volume I

Global Start-ups and business development

Coviello, N.E. and Munro, H.J. (1995) Growing the entrepreneurial firm: networking for international market development, European Journal of Marketing, 297, pp. 49-61.

Doloreux, D. (2002) What we should know about regional systems of innovation, Technology and Society, 24, pp. 243-263.

Finance Wales (2001) Investing in the future of Wales: Funding and Management Support, Cardiff, financewales.

Freel, M. (2003) Sectoral patterns of small firm innovation, networking and proximity, Research Policy, 32(5), pp. 751-770.

Gertler, M. (2001) Tacit Knowledge and the Economic Geography of Context or the Undefinable

Tacitness of Being (There), paper presented at the Nelson and Winter DRUID Summer Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, June.

Gibbs, D., Jonas, A., Reiner, S. and Spooner, D. (2001) Governance, institutional capacity and

partnerships in local economic development: theoretical issues and empirical evidence from the Humber Sub-region, Transactions of the Institute of British Geography, 26, pp. 103-119.

Harveston, P.D. (2000) Synoptic versus incremental internationalisation: An examination of born global and gradual globalising firms, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Memphis.

Howells, J. (1999) Regional systems of innovation. In D. Archibugi, J.Howells and J.Michie (eds.)

Innovation policy in a global economy, pp. 67-93, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Hospers, G.J. and Beugelsdijk, S. (2002), Regional cluster policies: learning by comparing?, KYKLOS: International Review for Social Sciences, 55(3), pp. 381-402

Knight, G.A. and Cavusgil (1996) The born global firm: a challenge to traditional internationalisation theory. In S.T.Cavusgil and T.K.Madsen (eds.) Export internationalising research – enrichment and challenges, Advances in International Marketing, 8, 11-26, NY: JAI Press Inc.

Lagendijk, A. (2003) Scaling knowledge production: how significant is the region? In M.M.Fischer and J.Frohling, Knowledge, Complexity and Innvoation Systems, Advances in spatial science, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 79-100.

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Lawton-Smith, H. Tracey, P. and Clark, G. (2003) European Policy and the Regions: A Review and

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