Making Money on Craigslist by BILONGUI TEMBO JEAN ROBERT - HTML preview

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4. Selling Digital Content

Craigslist is not limited to physical items. You can just as easily use Craigslist as an advertising platform for your online store. Selling digital downloads is easy and very cost effective. Generally speaking it’s a lot cheaper to pay for the bandwidth to download content than to write it to a physical medium and produce it.

Ideas for Products

E-Tutorials are popular items on the web. These can be in the form of pay-membership websites, e-books, video courses, audio MP3 courses or slide shows. There are a variety of tools you can use to create instructional content on everything from Internet marketing to baking a cake from scratch.

If you’re a musical artist or know a local group that you can manage you can use Craigslist as a way of distributing your music for pay. This is a lot cheaper than creating demo CD’s and actually has more potential for developing a fan base since people will find your music by searching on the internet instead of just word of mouth.

Methods of Distribution

Craigslist is a great way to advertise your digital items but there are no built-in tools for distributing them. Your best bet is to have a separate website with an online shopping cart. Craigslist will get the people to your website and it will do the rest. You can find a lot of specific information on using custom shopping carts just by searching for them on your favorite search engine. PayPal is especially recommended as they are a trusted website and provide explicit instructions.

If you don’t want to hassle with trying to figure out how to implement an online shopping cart you can uses a well-known online retailer like, or These sellers sometimes charge a fee for putting an item up for sell or require a monthly/yearly membership. The benefit is that they do almost all the work for you. The online shopping cart and web interface is complete controlled by the website and you just get to stick around for the profits. A lot of these websites act like search engines so they have a lot of the same functionality as Craigslist. The difference is that Craigslist has a massive user base and a 15-year reputation to back it up.

Copyright Info and Things to Watch Out For

One caveat to selling anything online is that you’re publicly displaying your content for the world to see. Any material that’s offensive or potentially infringes on someone’s rights (whether you realize it or not) has a much higher chance of being seen and acted upon.

Every country has specific copyright laws but let’s focus on the U.S. copyright laws because they’re some of the most extensive rights laws of any country. According to the U.S. Copyright Law, using content created by another party without that party’s consent is infringing on their copy rights. This is especially dangerous if you’re profiting off the material as you could have to pay the original artist back in potentially lost revenue. If you’re not sure where an image, a textual excerpt, an audio sample or a video file have come from, it’s generally a good idea not to use them in your online content.

The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) is another U.S. law that specifically prohibits distribution of certain types of digital content and provides provisions regarding rights to digital works. These are generally the same as the U.S. Copyright Law. One thing to watch out for is that the DMCA prohibits distribution of any software that is designed to circumvent or bypass copy- protection software built into many of today’s modern mediums.

A PC video game is a good example. It would be illegal and a very bad idea to make digital copies of a popular computer game with a “cracking” program to bypass the game’s activation so that you could sell them for cheap online. Copying the game in order to distribute it violates the U.S. Copyright law and bypassing the game’s anti-piracy software violates the DMCA.

It is, however, legal to sell your physical copy of the PC video game to another person along with any information they need to legally activate and register the software. This is legal because you’re not making a copy for someone else and retaining one for yourself; you’re transferring property from yourself to another person. The same goes for music CD’s, Computer software, Movies and books.

Because there really isn’t an effective way of controlling how many people download content or proving that you haven’t retained a copy it’s not advised to try and sell any type of copyrighted content via download.

It’s also important to remember that you may be taxed on certain items that you sell. This varies widely by area and, truth be told, we could write a whole 50-page book on different state and country ordinances alone. Be sure to research your local laws and find out whether or not you’ll have to worry about paying taxes on income you’ve made selling items online. Generally most people don’t think about it when they’re trading used items for cash but selling digital downloads online makes it a pretty hard issue to avoid.


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