Management Money for Students by Me - HTML preview

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How to Track Your Spending

Tracking your spending is not a hard thing to do. In fact, it is very simple. The only thing you need is a diary, pen or your personal laptop if you will use spreadsheet. Once they are ready, the next thing you should do is to list down your daily expenses. You can plan ahead if you want. By writing down your spending in advance, you can easily track down everything. Also, you will know your limitations as you have already budgeted your money.

When tracking your spending on a diary or spreadsheet, you should always remind yourself to list down everything you have spent. No matter how  much you have purchased, it is wise to write down what you have spent.

The reason behind it is that this can let you monitor if you have successfully budgeted your money or you have already purchased something that cost more than what you have budgeted.

Tracking everything you have spent may be a boring job for every student. But, if you really want to save money, then you should start tracking your spending. Besides, this is not something that will  consume  too  much  of your time. The best time to track your expenses is after you have purchased what you need or require.