Online Entrepreneur Motivation by mithery83 - HTML preview

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How To Motivate Yourself When You're In A Slump

All of us go through slumps in our lives. If someone said that he has never had any downs in his life, then we would know that he is lying. It is okay to have downs in life. But what is not okay is if we stay in that slump and worse, if we do not do anything about it.

I can almost hear you say that it is easier said than done. Yes. That is correct with a small variation. It is easier done than said. Let us see how that is possible.

The first and the foremost is our attitude. If we always keep a positive attitude then half our job is done. The right attitude is the fuel and the catalyst for self-motivation. We can always control and direct our attitude towards positive things even when the circumstances around us cannot be controlled by us.

Once we have a positive attitude, we can start doing things to boost our confidence. Lack of confidence has the potential to make the slump even worse. This comes when we don't appreciate what we have and always think of what we want and why we cannot get it. This becomes a spiral and finally we land in a pit.

Instead if we try concentrating on all the good things we have, goals that we have achieved and the strengths that we have gained in the past, we can boost our confidence to face the present.

Now that we have the right attitude and we have gained our confidence, the next thing would be to have a set of achievable goals. It is very important to set ourselves achievable goals that can be measured by tangible results.

We would not want to set a goal that says "I will become the president of my country in the next 3 months" fully knowing well that it is not possible. Once we have these goals, then automatically we will also define the actions to execute, to get through with the goals.

Now we have a purpose to our lives. We know what we need to do in the next 3 or 6 months. Our brain starts tuning itself to these goals and starts planning a course of action. In short, it becomes active in a positive way.

We were in a slump a while ago, Then we regained our confidence and now we have a goal and a set of actions to achieve that goal. That is quite a progress. Is it not? We have gained momentum from nothing. Now we need to sustain that momentum so that we can continue to be self-motivated and out of that slump forever.

That seems to be a hard task you would think. Not any more, after we see what simple steps we can take to sustain the motivated state of mind that we are in. We should make sure that we are surrounded by good people who radiate positive energy.

We should always keep learning and stay positive, stop thinking and act more, track our progress so that we will know when to put that extra effort and when to relax and above all, help others, as that would give us immense satisfaction which would in turn motivate us to stay motivated!