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8 Tips on How to Get More Facebook Likes to Your Fan Page

Getting more Facebook likes on your Facebook fan page is a great way to reach out to potential customers. This method has become a more effective marketing strategy because once your page gets more likes you will be able to reach out to customers through posts and updates at no cost.

Facebook like is a system that determines the quality of a page content to search engines and your page will have greater chances of appearing in your fans news feed. How cool?

Here are 8 tips on how to get more Facebook likes to your fan page:

1. Link your Twitter account

By linking your Twitter account to your Facebook fan page your posts will go out to your twitter followers as well. Don’t worry about the length as twitter has a way of shortening long posts by shortening the character length and provide a shortened link that is related to the Facebook link.

This is an awesome way of getting twitter followers to know about the page and can like your Facebook fan page.

2. Facebook Groups

You can join Facebook groups that are associated with your fan page and then regularly post to those groups. Avoid joining the spam for your fan page as it can yield no positive results. Join in the conversations and share some of your helpful posts on your page and post a link to your page on a regular basis.

When you join Facebook groups it will be wise to post on your fan page instead of your personal profile.

3. Make friends

It's important for you to have more friends on Facebook for your Facebook marketing to be successful. So why don’t you put those friends to work for you? Simply send a request asking them to check out your fan page and like it. The number of friends will determine the number of likes you are more likely to get. This will encourage others to checkout your page and within no time your fan page will do wonders.

4. Facebook fan pages

Apart from joining groups you can also join other fan pages and contribute to their discussions while at the same time posting a link to your fan page. You can as well connect to other fan page owners and ask them to share your page on their fan page. All you need is to contact them since with Facebook you can easily send a message directly to page owners.

5. Engagement

You should engage with your fans by posting contents regularly on your page to ensure they always have something new on your page. Add attractive photos, questions, polls, videos and any other content that can keep your fans engaged. Your fans might like the contents and share it with friends. Content can make you go viral on Facebook but the first step is posting it.

6. Exclusive content

Attract new fans by offering the existing ones exclusive content that non-fans can't be able to access. For example you can add free eBooks, webinars, email series, discounts, special offers, coupons and many more.

7. Fans Only Contests

Run a contest that is strictly for fans. Many pages already do this and get tons of new likes as a result. Make sure that you read over the rules for running contests on Facebook first because you don't want to get into any trouble.

8. Put a like box on your website

Facebook offers people an opportunity to embed a like box on websites with just a few lines of codes. With this your website visitors will get to see your Facebook page and like it.

Now that you know how to get more Facebook likes to your fan page, get down to work. However, don’t expect to get more likes instantly since getting genuine Facebook likes can take time. Work hard and start earning more money with the use of Facebook!