Profit Masterkey System by Profitmasterkey - HTML preview

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Posting to Groups

So, find a Facebook group that is somewhat relevant to your niche or industry, come up with some somewhat relevant content and post it there.

Simple! If you create an article on Bruce Lee and share it to a martial arts group, then in theory you can get thousands of new visitors… instantly.

The only problem is that you’l probably get deleted…

So instead of being purely promotional and out for yourself – think of ways you can give back to these communities. Use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, your expertise and your value. Only once you have built up trust should you post your very best content there. Don’t overdo it and make sure you give more than you take. Business is all about offering value and Facebook is no different!


Outreaching to Other Facebook Pages and Cross Promoting One of the most popular concepts in digital marketing at the moment is something called ‘influencer marketing’. The way this works is simple: instead of building a huge audience over time that you wil be able to share your content to in the future, the aim is instead to simply find an existing large audience and then to share with them. This way, you leapfrog all the time and effort spent building and get straight to the profiting! The person who can give you that route to the market is called the ‘influencer’, hence influencer marketing.

On Facebook, this largely means finding the owner of successful Facebook pages and groups and getting them to promote you on your behalf. The good news is that it’s relatively easy to start this process seeing as Facebook lets you find the group owners quickly and message them. The hard part is convincing them to post for you.

So then, make sure that you have something to offer! Often that wil mean offering some money but it can also mean offering to post to your network in exchange for them posting to theirs. This is essentially the same thing as an ‘ad swap’ and it should benefit you both.

If you’re lucky and you find the right page owner, you may even find they’re willing to post your content for free. Make something tailor made for them and they will often agree to share it if it’s genuinely good and interesting.


Chapter 5: Monetizing Your Efforts Many people reading this book wil already have a functioning online business and thus won’t need help with monetization. For those of you who don’t know how to make money online, this brief primer should open your mind up to some options…