Profit Masterkey System by Profitmasterkey - HTML preview

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So that’s one of the reasons that people share content, examined in a fair amount of detail. People share content to communicate and that can mean that they’re sharing posts they think friends wil find interesting, or things that they hope wil spark some kind of conversation.

The other reason people share though is to express themselves. That is to say, that people share content often because they think it makes them look interesting, or because it says something about who they are.

If we’re being entirely honest, Facebook is a highly narcissistic place and one of the main things we do there is try and show off how interesting we are or what exciting lives we lead. For many people this means posting pictures of holidays, or updating our statuses with comments we think will make us look witty. We might also post an article about politics to our page because we’re stating that we agree with said politics and that way we demonstrate a) that we know about politics and b) that we hold X belief.

Similarly, we might share an article about the things that you experience from home because we work from home and we want people to know it, or 12

know what that entails. Again, in this scenario we might even post content without reading it – in this scenario we post it almost like a badge of honor

– not necessarily checking to make sure that it actually makes conclusions that we agree with.

Articles and Posts that Get Read

So a lot of content on Facebook just doesn’t get read. But what does it take to create a post that wil get clicked on? And if your post isn’t getting read at all, what can you use to get it shared?

Here you have two major tools up your sleeve: the title and the image.