Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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4- How to plot project risks


If you think as a project manager that you can identify and handle all  projects’ risks, you are wrong. No one can see the full picture in details  and find all risks face the project, so in order to effectively plot your  project risks follow these actions÷


1- Get all risks list: gather you team members, senior management- or at least representative- and your client stakeholders –or at least  a representative- and give sticky notes colored where each color  represent project area like (Cost, Quality, time and budget) then  ask them to write as much as they can all risks they see on the  project respecting the color methodology. Once they finished take  all inputs and filter them and push it into “Risk Register”.


2- Set Probability and Impact: have a team with relevant team  members who has experience in such field or with risk experience  if you have one in your organization to set the  probability (likelihood) and impact of each risk, do not go in details  make it simple and short rating like (High, Medium and Low).


3- Develop mitigation techniques: identify the high priority risks  calculated from 2nd action and start developer proper mitigation  techniques for each risk which can be


a. For Opportunities


i. Exploit: where the plan or / and scope might  change to ensure getting the opportunity(most of  the time this technique is costly)


ii. Enhance: where you do actions to enhance your  status to increase the probability of getting the  opportunity.


iii. Share: hiring third party to share the opportunity  with you so both of you get the benefit.


iv. Accept: no further actions to get the opportunity  but studying and waiting for that opportunity.


 b. For Risks


i. Avoid: where the plan or / and scope might  change to avoid the risk totally (most of the time  this technique is costly)


ii. Mitigate: where you do actions to reduce the  impact of the risk to an accepted limit ( which will  follow the organization risk tolerance)


iii. Transfer: hiring third party to take actions to  reduce the risk and take the full responsibility  when risks happen.


iv. Accept:no further actions to get the risk but  studying and waiting for that risk.


4- Quantify Mitigation and Impact: in order to get approval for  mitigation technique you have to transfer it into dollars language  which senior management can understand, because the total  amount of quantifying the mitigation will be the contingency  amount you can ask from management.


Finally, risk identification is not something to be done once in the project,  above actions must be repeated at least weekly to make sure that risks  assessment remained the same and so your mitigations techniques.


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