Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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How to avoid common  outsourcing pitfal s


1- Poor Governance: This is one of the most commonly encountered  problems and a key cause of failure of an outsourcing relationship.  Organizations often take a tactical approach to outsourcing and do  not pay attention to executive sponsorship, which is an important  ingredient for success. Lack of a structured governance  mechanism has led to the “untimely demise” of several  outsourcing relationships.


A good governance model ensures a strategy which clearly defines  the objective of outsourcing, prescribes a working model that is  flexible and collaborative, sets up SLAs and decides on a  mechanism for arbitrating issues.


Most outsourcers, however, woefully under invest in the ongoing  governance and management of the service provider relationship  and this invariably spells trouble for the engagement.


2- Shortsighted Focus on Cost Savings: Most enterprises that have  outsourced their IT requirements cite cost savings as the key  reason for doing so. This often results in raising unrealistic  expectations with reference to continual cost savings. Owing to  this myopic view, enterprises fail to consider other benefits such  as process efficiency, improved focus on core business areas,  better ability to plan, higher levels of operational reliability, and  more rapid implementation of new strategies and initiatives.


A broader and long term approach is essential to set pragmatic  goals, spread over time for evaluating the success of a  relationship. Some of the other benefits enterprises should seek  from outsourcing engagements include access to flexible, scalable  and easy to maintain systems — leeway to focus on core strategic  functions, access to high caliber labour and more importantly  risk mitigation. When enterprises broaden their vision and  visualize outsourcing as a strategic function, they will be able to  adopt a more balanced approach as opposed to viewing it as a  pure cost reduction mechanism.


3- Lack of Preparation - Seeing Outsourcing as an Instant Solution: Using outsourcing as a quick fix to alleviate certain immediate  problems is yet another commonly encountered issue that leads  to poor results. While outsourcing does result in some operational  sweet spots, it should not be the primary reason to employ this  strategy. This mindset leaves an enterprise under prepared for  outsourcing.


Many a times, companies start the request for proposal (RFP) and  contract negotiation processes before they have thoroughly  evaluated the outsourcing decision internally. Outsourcing being a  complex decision, such an unplanned approach will jeopardize the  future of the relationship.


To ensure a successful and lasting outsourcing engagement, the  organization must prepare itself for the change it will have to  undergo during this transformation. Issues such as job loss and  resistance to change will crop up during the transition and needs  to be guarded against.


4- Failure to Develop an Effective Communication Program:


Communication is a key factor in delivering results in an  outsourcing engagement. Sharing of information is essential for :-


  • Clarity of expectations and objectives.
  • Alignment of interests.
  • Compatibility between the two parties.


A number of factors such as the distance, time, language, and  cultural differences create barriers for communication. Also, in  cases where cost cutting is the only reason for outsourcing, it has  been seen that communication takes a backseat. For a successful  outsourcing relationship, the out sourcer and the service provider  need to work in a collaborative manner. Key elements for  overcoming barriers for communication include:


  • Establishing clear communication channels
  • Standardized format for content, frequency, levels and modes
  • Interactive and proactive communication
  • Escalation mechanism
  • In global outsourcing relationships, showing diversity


5- Improper Evaluation of Outsourcing Service Providers: Often  companies invest less time and money on selecting service  providers and put the complete project in jeopardy. Proper  evaluation and selection of providers is crucial. There are six  common mistakes that companies should avoid while evaluating  providers :-


  • Failure to understand the market
  • Time expended on complicated RFPs
  • Evaluating too many providers
  • Letting service providers take control of the process
  • Letting politics cloud decision
  • Leaving commercial details to the end.


The pitfalls of choosing the wrong service provider are many. At  the minimum it would give sub optimal returns and in the worst  case, it may lead to the outsourcer abandoning the engagement.  Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly evaluate service providers  on their contextual understanding. Before selecting a provider, or  even drafting an RFP, it would be a good idea to know the big and  up-and-coming providers in that space. This due diligence can  come in handy while shortlisting providers.


It is better for a company to stay in control and remain focused on  the key criteria, essential for the success of the engagement.  Ranking the providers based on certain pre-defined criteria is the  best selection method; this also minimizes the subjective  influence on the selection.


6- Poor Cultural Fit – Compatibility of Parties: At the end of the day,  an outsourcing relationship works best when the chemistry  between outsourcer and service provider is right. Given that  people are at the center of an IT outsourcing arrangement  compatibility is essential.


“Cultural Fit is as important as cost saving”, the finding is not  surprising given that outsourcing is becoming strategic and long  term in nature. Consequently, it has become all the more  important to find an outsourcer who has similar work ethics,  values and ways of doing things.


Businesses are also beginning to see the value in bringing in  external consultants to help bridge cultural gaps and iron out  differences during negotiations. As a rule, compatibility issues  needs to be addressed during the selection process. In addition,  effective communication is essential to ensure good cultural fit.


7- Improper Definition of Metrics and Key Performance Indicators: Often businesses believe that a set of predefined metrics will help  them monitor the performance of the service provider and retain  control over the relationship. However, the wrong set of metrics  or an overdose of KPIs can do more harm than good to an  outsourcing relationship. In the first case, the outsourcer may not  get the true picture of whether the relationship is moving in the  right direction, and this is dangerous. In the second case, fatigue  may defeat the value of the tracking.


Thus, the recommended approach is to choose a few apt metrics  that gives the outsourcer a sense of where the engagement is at  any point in time. On line dashboards are becoming increasingly  common as a means of providing visibility on metrics and KPIs to  the buyer.


Finally below List of Do’s to help you avoiding above pitfalls÷


1- Make sure that when you start the outsourcing relationship you dedicated the right people and resources on both sides.

2- Make sure your contact persons has very good communication skills.

3- Define as much as possible the expectations, document them, set clear performance metrics and set clear targets.

4- Be prepared for changes; allow flexibility to your contract.

5- Be Prepared for renegotiation the outsourcing the contract one better understands your business.

6- Initiate an agreement with a service provider that allows flexibility for the future.

7- Have a realistic timeline for any steps of the outsource process including the start-up.

8- Fully define an employee transition plan.

9- Do proper planning concerning information systems and interfacing with the service provider.

10- Do enough technology development before implementation.


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