Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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How to influence your team to do what you want


What you want is coming under what you expect, coming advices are  coming out from the saying “You get what you expect”, here are four  actions to achieve this statement.


1- Use Parkinson's Law: Want to know how to use expectation to  persuade others to accomplish tasks 2 times, 3 times, or even  many times faster? If the task requires 3 months to finish, tell  them it has to be done within 3 weeks. The magic in this is that  the work will be completed in a span of time based on a person's  expectation of how much time is required to do it. Parkinson's Law states "work expands so as to fill the time available for its  completion." If they cannot absolutely do it in that span of time,  use another subliminal persuasion technique - the principle of  comparison. Tell them that if they can produce excellent results,  they will be given, let's say, a 2-week extension. They will compare  the 2 time frames and may even thank you for giving them  enough time! You gave them the impression that they are given a  lot of time (because you've added 2 weeks to the original 3-week  deadline), even when the task can take up to 3 months to finish.  


2- Be Specific: Another great tip to maximize the power of  expectation is to be as specific as possible. If you can say, "I know  you're a fast writer who can turn out at least 7 quality articles  within 5 hours" instead of "I know you to be a fast and efficient  writer," then the results will be better and more accurate.


3- Find Similarities and Point That Out: To successfully influence  people, find any point of similarity between you and the person  you're persuading.


4- Expect To Be Expected: Keep in mind also that people base their  expectations on various aspects such as your physical qualities,  your surroundings, etc. Everyone will expect a neatly dressed and  well groomed person to be wealthy and successful; that's why it  pays to look good when you're persuading others. If you wear  dirty clothes and have unkempt hair, you'll be treated as someone  who has bad manners, and they won't expect good outcome from  you. The same goes if you have an orderly and tidy home. People  will expect you to be an organized person.


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