Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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How to manage remote teams


It is all about communications, because you do not have the team  physically at your workspace it is depending on sending feedback and  waiting for responses which are communications. Here are 6 tips to let the  overseas communications better÷


1- Team Building: although the team is not exist physically in the  same place but you still can be creative about having this team  building over the internet by online games or by another venue  which is available for both side of the teams.


2- Build Interpersonal Relationships: encourage the personal side  between you and your team by going beyond the project scope  and ask about team member’s personal life or about his/her kids.  Having such activities will give your credit to use later when the  project goes for crisis or risky situations.


3- Daily Standup: it is not questionable practice, you must have daily  stand up meetings for 15-30 minutes maximum to review what  team has done yesterday compared to what he had to do and  what he is going to do during the day.


4- Phone Conference / Video / Web Sharing: do not depend on  mails only for communications because mail is asynchronous but  Phone Conference, video or web sharing is synchronous  communication which leverage effective communication between  the team members to eliminate any misunderstanding might  happen because of mails.


5- Follow the Sun: take care about your team geographical  representation and try to put the tasks and activities to follow the  sun so that dependencies would not be affected.


6- Daily Summary: get this kind of commitment from team members  to summarize all activities during the day compared to what was  planned stating any obstacles they faced or any dependencies  affected him/her to achieve his/her tasks to be discussed again in  the standup meeting.


Finally, remote team might be a blessing or a curse. If you followed above  steps it will be a bless because you will have good monitoring to your  remote team as if they exist beside you but if you did not follow it will be  curse because the project will go away from you because the team will go  around here and there doing things which are not planned.

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