Successful Project Managers Road Map by Mostafa Alshimi - HTML preview

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3- How to setup your project Initiation


Project initiation is a very important and articulated phase of the project  because it will affect radically the rest of project phases and processes,  therefore below are 5 steps to setup your project initiation correctly and  Safely÷


1- Review project charter and statement of work: make sure you  have put all stakeholder and your team members on the same  page from day one by sharing project charter and statement of  work and start getting and recording ideas, risks, recommended  approaches and even suggestions to how we should deliver the  project? Either one phase or multiple phases to keep client on  touch and avoid business requirements changes while we are still  developing.


2- Secure Budget: no project with no risk, so go spend time  identifying risks and build contingency plan and fallback plan if  available and accordingly ask for 20-25% extra on the baseline  budget if you can get it through higher management and you  sponsor.


3- Get dedicated highly interested sponsor: go and get that person  or authority, you need a dedicated interested person who will  support you through the project because he needs the project to  succeed just like you or even more, this person will help you while  facing challenges, resolving issues and mitigating risks. Make sure  that you are strengthening your relationship with that person  every day and on.


4- Setup a steering committee: having steering committee will  eliminate personal agenda from any stakeholders and increase the  buy in from different project stakeholders.


5- Hold the kick-off meeting: with that step you are putting everybody on the same page and announcing the start of the  project will give the team members green light to start their  activities and submitting their timesheets which is very important  practice to have from day one in your project.


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