The Future and Exchanging Value by nicholas gruen - HTML preview

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Cryptocurrencies, with their distributed ledgers, have There is also significant interest in finding innovative new clearly brought something new to the table. The

uses for the technology platforms that underpin

technologies that underpin cryptocurrencies promise to cryptocurrencies. If not Bitcoin (the currency), then why transform how value is exchanged, with today’s

not bitcoin (the technology platform)? Cryptocurrencies intermediaries cut out of the process in the move to peer-are not necessarily separable from their technology

to-peer approaches. These technologies are faster and

platforms, as the currency itself is integral to the end-to-more efficient than the current processes and will replace end solution. Clearly, we can take apart the constituent them as part of a Darwinian evolution of technology. Only technologies and reuse them to create

regulation is preventing this change, and regulation always a wealth of new solutions, many of which could

changes when enough pressure is applied. While the

disrupt the financial sector by disintermediating the

intermediaries may be happy with the current situation, the current payments process. Many will also have little

parties at either end of the transaction – the merchants, resemblance to a cryptocurrency, such as a

financial institutions and consumers – are unhappy and distributed ledger to track transactions within a firm, actively looking for alternatives. A consortium of

or a distributed content management solution that

merchants in the US,

enables the creation of distributed websites that don’t led by Walmart, is investing in a peer-to-peer payments live in any single location. In this report, however, our solution under the banner of CurrentC™, where

interest is in exchanging value, not on accounting,

clearance is via direct account-to-account transfers.

content management, maintaining authoritative

A cryptographically based peer-to-peer approach is a

registers or other possible uses of the core

logical technological step and we expect it to be simply a technologies. Once the cryptocurrency is removed

matter of time before direct account-to-account, peer-to-from the technology platform, the platform is no

peer transfers are used to settle payments.

longer capable of supporting the use case we care

about: measuring, storing and exchanging value

The adoption of technologies on which cryptocurrencies are between two entities that do not know enough about

based does not imply that the currencies themselves will be each other to develop mutual trust. The use of a

adopted. The strongest possible driver for

peer-to-peer paradigm to address many of the

the adoption of a currency is a national government

deficiencies in our current approaches to managing

mandating that taxes be paid in the currency or,

information storage and transfers is a worthy topic of potentially, declaring the currency as legal tender and study and one we will investigate in our next report.

forcing merchants to accept it as payment. We also note that both of these events are unlikely. Consequently, we expect cryptocurrencies to play a niche role in the

economy, a role similar to Bartercard or the leather debt tokens that merchants issued in the past. This isn’t to say that these cryptocurrencies won’t be successful, just that they won’t supplant a sovereign currency

as the primary store of value for most

people and institutions.

The Future of Exchanging Value Cryptocurrencies and the trust economy 57

Finally, we considered the possibility of using a

We can expect digital payments to take an increasing

cryptocurrency as a global reserve currency, a global

share of transactions and the use of cash and cheques –

store of value and a means of exchange. Many nations

physical money – to continue to decline. However, the

and institutions are dissatisfied with the US dollar in the shift from physical payments to digital payments is better role of reserve currency – being the most liquid and

thought of as a move away from the point of sale, both in stable currency on offer – because, as the saying goes time and space. It is also clear that the peer-to-peer

“when the US sneezes the world catches a cold”. At first technologies used to create cryptocurrencies are more

glance, a distributed, Internet-native currency would

efficient and effective than the intermediary-based

seem best suited to the role of reserve currency in a

solutions currently in place.

digital and online world. Unfortunately, individuals (and A future of purely incremental technological and

institutions) will use the most convenient currency at social change – where the incumbents integrate

hand based on the level of trust between the two parties these new technologies into their current solutions to unless they are coerced by higher powers.

improve the existing processes – also looks unlikely.

In international exchanges, this usually will mean

a currency from one end of the transaction,

Nor can we expect the future to bring a new paradigm in or a currency from a much larger (and trusted)

which consumers set the terms and determine how, when

third party. We can expect cryptocurrencies to

and in what currency they will transact – a future in which take on a similar role as that held by SDR, as a

the current processes for exchanging value are

specialist tool for exchanging value used in

transformed by high technological change and high social specific circumstances, with most international

change. The balance of power may have tipped from

transfers remaining in sovereign currencies.

merchant to customer, but the customer’s choice on how, when and in what currency they transact is still

Near and far future

constrained by the context in which they operate. While Looking back to the scenarios in which we

customers or merchants may prefer to store their wealth explored big and small change aspects for both

and make all their payments in Bitcoin, they are also

technology and society, and considering what we

forced to deal with the preferences of others and the

know about how technology and society interact,

constraints placed on them by the government.

we may conclude a number of things.

The most likely outcome is a transition to a new

It is highly unlikely that Bitcoin or other distributed and equilibrium. This future involves a significant change in online cryptocurrencies for a digital and borderless world the relationship between merchants and consumers

will trigger a collapse of the existing system

and between institutions in the finance sector.

as there is no indication they could ever achieve the

However, it is also a future in which the technology we level of adoption required. The ambitious predictions

use to exchange value changes incrementally.

for sovereign currencies being supplanted by

cryptocurrencies are clearly wrong. As we have

mentioned, no technology survives contact with society unscathed. Cryptocurrencies enable many possible

futures, but one in which technology forces us to

rethink the foundations of our financial system with

high technological change but incremental social

change – is clearly not viable.