The Gospel According to Femigod by Femi - HTML preview

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Why Does God need to be Worshipped?


3   As an omnipotent Being, why would God find it necessary or even a requirement to be worshipped?


2For those who question the concept of religion, this tends to stands out for the simple fact that it is a trait of the emotionally needy. 3Is it not enough that we acknowledge his existence? 4Rather there is a need to go one step further: to praise and worship. SOther than pure ego, there does not appear to be any other reason for this.


6Is this a characteristic  of mainstream  religion or simply a misconception? 7In other words, is there scriptural evidence that says God commands us to worship him?


8Many Biblical references to praise and worship come from the writings of those who describe their own desire to praise God: the book of Psalms, for example, is filled with such exhortations. 9Most of this section of the Bible was written by David, so it can be argued that these aren t actual instructions from God. 1OHowever, since they have been included, it would be safe to say that they are just as much guidance as anything dictated directly from God.


Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.   (Psalm 150:6)


11The book of Luke states:


He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind    (Luke 10:27)


12The book of Hebrews instructs not only us, but also the angels to worship God:


Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe   (Hebrews 12:28)


And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says, ‘Let all God s angels worship him .   (Hebrews 1:6)


13It is clear at this point that it is a Biblical directive to worship God, a duty above and beyond simply believing and following his word.


14In any case, worship is a key doctrine across Christianity, regardless of denomination. 1SThere is no dispute amongst them on this ground.


16Does this hold true outside Christianity? 17Yes. 18You can find similar edicts about worship in the Quran and the Torah:


I am God, there is no other God but me. You shall worship me and observe the Salat prayer to commemorate me   (Sura 20:14)


You shall fear YHVH your God; Him alone shall you worship, to Him you shall hold fast and by his name you shall swear   (Devarim 10:20)


The Jealous God


19You can also infer that God compels our praise from the statements of him being a jealous God who will not tolerate the worship of any other gods or idols. 20This is laid out clearly in several parts of the Bible, for example, in Deuteronomy and Exodus:


Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you. For the Lord your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land.   (Deuteronomy 6:14 – 15)


Do not worship any other god, for the Lord is a jealous God.   (Exodus 34:14)


21The Quran holds similar warnings, even going so far as to state that this is common ground with Christians (Christians are the People of the Book):


Say ‘People of the Book, come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah . If then they turn back, say ye ‘Bear witness that we are Muslims bowing to Allah's will.    (Sura 3:64)


22Being jealous that one is worshipping another deity appears to be another in a long line of threats to keep us on the  right  path. 23Still, you have to  wonder why such a negative human  emotion is attributed to God at all.


Some Possible Reasoning


24Within Christianity, the usual explanation is that God demands our worship for our own sakes, not for  his. 25Some reason that he tells us to worship him in order to create a stronger personal relationship. 26This seems to be a reasonable viewpoint, but it loses all appeal when the level of punishment for worship of other gods is considered. 27The entire concept of humans being punished by God is an issue in itself, which is covered in greater detail elsewhere in this section.


28Presumably, worship leads to a closer connection which leads to Heaven, hence it is for our own good. 29But then why are angels required to do so? 30And wouldn t it be clearer for God simply to ask us to get closer to him rather than worship him, since that is supposedly the end purpose? 311t doesn t add up.


32Another common response is simply that the all-powerful Creator deserves to be worshipped. 33While that  may be so, it doesn t address the frequent demands that  God makes. 34Further, saying that he deserves to be worshipped isn t an explanation of why he must be.


More Than Just Ego?


35We began this discussion with the assumption that God is an omnipotent Being that does not require anything from humans. 36But what if this assumption is inaccurate?


37For instance, what if God came into existence because of worship? 381f you accept the possibility that our thoughts – and the energy behind them – have the capability of creation, then it is not difficult to see how thousands of years and millions of adoring believers could create a God where one did not exist in the first place. 39With  that  concept in mind, a God created by belief would need ongoing worship in order to continue existence. 401t wouldn't be enough just to believe, but we would need to have a strong and powerful relationship to provide him with power to survive.


41This isn t an ideal explanation since it doesn t rationally address why these entries are already in the Bi bl e. 421t certainly doesn t explain why so many writers included statements about the need for worship. 43Even so, it is an interesting way to view this issue.


A Needy God?


44So is God needy or does he simply add these commands as a way of further  strengthening your relationship with him? 45No explanation is ever really provided on this, so you will have to draw your own conclusions.