The Gospel According to Femigod by Femi - HTML preview

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Book Three: Classical Archetypes in Myth


1 Curious why a section on myths is included in a book examining religion and spirituality? 2Well, it shouldn t really come as a surprise. 3Many cultures have their moral compass set by the myths and stories they tell, and people grow up with them as a way to promote virtues that authority figures wish to develop.


4In certain cases, a  culture s  myths are indivisible from its religion. 5The myths of the Native Americans, the ancient Greeks and a mixture of cultures across  Africa are closely tied to  their spiritual beliefs. 6Religion is not the only place where moral ideals and spiritual truths can be found.


7So now that we ve examined mainstream  religions and questioned their ability to provide spiritual guidance, it's time to look at some alternative sources. BIn this section of the book we ll look at myths and legends from around the world, to see what they can offer. 9We ll also illustrate some ways in which they fulfil similar functions to religion.