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The Law of Attraction


6 This is one of the hottest new esoteric theories out there today, and it may be the simplest idea this book offers as a tool for spiritual growth. 21t was popularised in recent times by Rhonda Byrne s 2006 book, The Secret, which was heavily promoted by 0prah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres.


The Basic Principle


3The idea is that  like attracts like , and you can bring things into your life simply by focusing on them. 4This goes a step beyond the  power of positive thinking   movement  from the 1950s, which revolved around the book of the same name by Norman Peale. 51t is more than simply being upbeat and enthusiastic about life.


6Those who believe in the law of attraction aren t always able to agree on the exact mechanism that is behind the phenomenon. 70ne possibility is that the energy that is inherent in our thoughts acts as a magnet, attracting universal energy, which draws our hopes and desires into our lives.


8You can also look at the law of attraction in conjunction with various views on the nature of reality, particularly subjective reality. 9This theory suggests that the physical perception of reality varies from person to person. 10This is a common theme amongst the greatest thinkers. 111f the concept of a subjective reality is valid, then you have more control over your existence than you realise.


How to Use It


121f it were as simple as just thinking about something for a moment, we would all have ideal lives filled with love, health and prosperity. 13Unfortunately, this is  not the case. 14There needs to be a serious level of focus and visualisation in order to create the optimal level of energy attraction. 151n other words, you can t casually think that you d like more money one day and have a winning lottery ticket the next.


16The techniques involved in meditation are a good place to start. 17They are discussed more in the astral travelling chapter. 18Using meditation along with strong concentration, visualisation and mental focus are the keys to attracting success into your life.


19You also need to be specific. 20Good visualisation skills are only the first half of the battle. 21What you visualise is just as important as how you do. 22Thinking about how nice it would be to have money isn t enough. 23Picture yourself physically getting a pay rise or imagine the feeling of being healthy. 24You have to picture exactly what you want to happen, and see it clearly. 25Feel the emotions it will bring.


The Book and Movie


260ddly enough this actually came out as a movie originally and a book afterwards, though most people are more familiar with the latter. 271t s one of the few alternative concepts that has had such widespread exposure to the general public.


28The idea behind the law of attraction comes from many sources, some of which are very old. 29The

movie revolves around the more historical and mysterious origins of this important   secret , involving the Hermetic Emerald Tablet, ancient Egypt, the secret society of the Knights Templar and more.


30While the movie wraps the whole concept in historical mystery, the book is a straight-forward self- help guide which simply introduces the Law of Attraction and how to make it work in your life. 31It would be the best place to start if you really wanted  to take this approach seriously in your own spiritual growth.


The History Behind It


32This is hardly a new idea, though many earlier proponents of it were not widely known outside of metaphysical circles.


33The version of the Law of Attraction put  forward in The Secret  was based  on the New Thought movement of the 1800s. 34This group believed in the same ideas, but there was a lot more to them than just one metaphysical theory. 3SThey believed that our  thoughts had a huge impact on our reality though there was a strong Christian slant to their version of Divinity.


36The group started with the idea that all illness began in the mind; therefore everything could be healed through faith in God and positive thought. 37Though the original belief stemmed from a health and healing point of view, it grew to include other forms of positive thinking to connect with God.


38Different forms of the group still exist today but have not gained any major influence in the spiritual or religious world, other than having been the originators of the Law of Attraction.


39In his 1937 book The Art of True Healing, notable occultist, Israel Regardie, discussed additional techniques of meditation and prayer that could be used to heal the physical body. 40Regardie was also a major player in  the Hermetic  Order  of  the  Golden  Dawn (along with prominent occultist Aleister Crowley), so you can see some clear connections between this concept and other spiritualist schools.


41Ironically, that same year Napoleon Hill published Think and Grow Rich, which to date has sold more than 60 million copies worldwide. 42He also took the approach of presenting  a secret and discussed how certain types of thoughts would attract what you wanted in life.


43If you re looking to make changes, this is one of the simplest places to begin. 44Whether you believe in the concepts or not, positive thinking never hurt anyone.