The Gospel According to Femigod by Femi - HTML preview

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During the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925, the famed civil rights prosecutor, Clarence Darrow stated:


…I am an agnostic... I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure...


Aptly enough, Darrow’s strategy during proceedings was to challenge the literal interpretation of the Bible, which he described as a fool religion


No matter what labels we ascribe to ourselves, perhaps it is more realistic – and accurate – to say that we are all agnostic. For nobody can say with complete certainty that any God exists (and if so, what its true nature is), nor can anyone say with complete certainty that none exists. It is pure human folly that leads to definitive conclusions about matters that we know little or nothing about.


The controllers of religion can t possibly know the ultimate truths any more than you do, so why should they be allowed to regulate and restrict your life with their narrow rules and viewpoints? The first step is seeing the weaknesses in certain faiths in an honest and critical light, so that you can make your own decisions instead of blindly following someone else s interpretations,   thoughts and prejudices. If God exists, he is not religion.


Ironically, even with thousands of years of scripture and dogma, is it really possible to say that any of us truly knows what exists beyond our awareness?


Even if many of these ancient texts were inspired by a higher force or energy, aren t the chances high that they have been tarnished by the imperfections of man?


Religions, like many other ideologies, are focused on converting new followers and increasing their power and wealth. And though it may be over-simplistic  to tarnish all with the same brush, despite preaching about love and forgiveness on the surface, many have simply succeeded in dividing the world. It s a pity that not everyone chooses to see it this way.


It is common amongst the Abrahamic religions to state that theirs is the one true path to the Divine. But you will note that even amongst them, there are thousands of sects who are all bitterly opposed to one another. Which one amongst them is the truth? More importantly, how does this demonstrate the love that each purports to espouse? If a religion tells its followers that they must obey without question, surely this is cause for concern. Fortunately, not all of the mainstream religions are as rigid in their doctrine regarding the path to salvation . A lot are pluralistic, accepting that there are many paths and people may choose one which suits them.


Most people are born into a particular religion. Asking them to  abandon it (or even look at it critically) is tantamount to asking them to cut off their own arm. Because it has been engrained into them all of their life, they are simply not willing to challenge what has become a part of them. They are scared about what their family will think, what friends will think and how society will judge them. And so they become trapped and refuse to ask questions, even if it flies in the face of their true nature. Why stay in a relationship that makes you unhappy?


Just remember that all mainstream religions need to gain  members and to maintain control over current followers. All the information you get from  within them will be biased along these lines. Looking elsewhere is how you find information you can trust. The idea of letting go of religion is scary to those who have always held onto it for support, but you now have some additional tools that will allow you to carve out a path of your own.


Know the details of both mainstream and alternative religions in order to build a good foundation for more esoteric study. Only once you know the framework of a religion can you honestly start to ask questions and find contradictions. A number of provocative questions that you should  already be asking  yourself have been suggested, and you will  undoubtedly come up with more  as you study further.


One of these should undoubtedly be why these faiths are dominated by males –  both in the manifestation of their deity and the individuals who control them. There is no empirical evidence that suggests men are superior to women. If anything, the two should work as equals,  in harmony, to achieve a set of goals. Many religions go a step further to subjugate females and portray them as lesser beings. There is already legislation in place in society which aims to reverse all  forms of discrimination, yet religions do not wish to keep up with the times.


If God does exist, why would it be concerned with minutiae aspects of our daily lives, such as what we should be allowed to wear or eat, who we have sex with and when we do? The notion that an all- powerful being would even care about such trivialities is absolutely absurd, especially since it created these aspects of our nature in the first place. Surely, it would simply want us to be happy?


Make no mistake about it, this is all about power and control.


Beyond the conventional world of faith, there is wisdom that can be garnered from other pursuits. There are many ways of perceiving the reality around us, the purpose of our existence and where we are going. These issues are not specific to religion. There is no reason why religious leaders should tell you with any certainty that they know, or provide you with any definitive answers. Though philosophy can be a somewhat complex endeavour, it holds some of the most intriguing ideas that mankind has ever developed. It is the very essence of questioning everything:


Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.  (Author unknown)


Of course, not all philosophy is divorced from religion, but the point is that it encourages questions to be raised. You don t have to agree with every point, but it allows you to think critically about the issue at hand. This is where it differs from many mainstream religions. You do not have to agree and you will not go to Hell if you don t.


Also look to the myths and fairy tales that can be found in every era and culture around the world as you journey on your path. Certain concepts are simply universal and transcend religious teachings, so why ignore all this knowledge just because it's wrapped in the label of myth ? There is a reason why these collective truths have been around since the dawn of time and why they are a staple of cultures that have little or no connection to one another. Joseph Campbell s phrase to  follow your bliss summarises this nicely. Your bliss, not someone else s.


And there are many esoteric arts that can lead you to additional experiences and understanding, well beyond the reach of religious influence – many more than those listed in this book. Many of these practices have been pushed to the sidelines by a society that has become intolerant of alternative ways of thinking; but that does not lessen their value.


Just because they are not widely popularised by reality television, just because they are not regularly taught in schools, just because they are not widely touted by the mass media does not mean that they do not hold any worth. In fact, the beauty of the metaphysical alternatives discussed is that you can study them in your own time without the influence of those that will choose to steer you towards a particular way of thinking. The principles involved are universal, do not cost much, and above all, are not constrained by narrow doctrine.


But even as you continue to learn and discover new avenues to the Divine, do not presume that you can ever come to any complete conclusions. It is important that you keep learning and building your knowledge because:


The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.


The universe is a vast place. It is infinite in possibilities. It is infinite in ideas. It is my hope that we continue to question everything on our journey of discovery.


Someone else said it first, someone else said it best, so it's fitting to conclude:


“The sum total of all possible knowledge of God is not possible for a human being, not even through a true revelation. But it is one of the worthiest inquiries to see how far our reason can go in the knowledge of God.   (Immanuel Kant, Lectures on philosophical theology)


He who has ears, let him hear.