The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine by Rohit Seth - HTML preview

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Search Engine Optimization

Once you build your website and upload it, you want billions of people to visit your website in order to fulfill your business or personal objectives. However proper marketing techniques ought to be applied so that the browsers become aware about the existence and realize the utility of your website. Perhaps the first step towards submitting your site to all major search engines. Remember to look at the 15th or 20th Page 11 of 42

The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine site, displayed by any search engine when you search based on any keyword. So, the most profound method is to get a higher rank in the search engines. Now the obvious question as to how does one get a good ranking in the Search Engines?

A list of search engines are furnished in the Appendix Constant endeavors towards the goal of a proper search engine ranking have evolved the term SEO - the buzzword of today"s Internet era. There are some key SEO techniques.

It is learned that the site that has got a higher number of inbound and outbound links gets a higher ranking in all the search engines. This is called Link building or Traffic Exchange.

Traffic Exchange systems have been identified as one of the primary method that has found itself at the zenith of its popularity among various SEO techniques. So, in other words, we can say that Traffic Exchange is one of the most popular methodologies that can be adhered to regulate traffic towards your website.

Now lets try to find out what does Traffic Exchange mean? Exchange means exchanging your website link with others. Research and innovation have established the fact that the ranking of your site depends greatly on, “from how many sites, your site can be visited or linked to”, or in other words, how many sites provide a link to your website.

The obvious question comes to the fore „why should somebody allow you to paste your website link in his coveted area?" The simple answer being that your counterpart also wants to promote his website using the same approach and in exchange for which he too will demand a reciprocal link to your website.

What are the options open for you? The most commonly used methods are Auto Surf, Paid to Click Surf, Manual Surf and Paid Surf. What is the role of your website? It is to become a valuable resource for your visitors either for free or to earn substantial revenue. Never forget the statutory warning, “you must popularize your website first before looking towards utilizing it as an revenue earning machine!”

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The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine A Properly managed traffic exchange system can yield you phenomenal growth in the number of visitors that enables you immensely in propagating your brand name or increasing your regular earning potential through advertisements and sponsorship.

Once you are convinced about the traffic exchange system methodology for enhancing your hit count and decide to “give it a go”, you need to further delve into its nitty-gritty.

If you just carry out a search with the key word “Traffic Exchange” in any of the popular search engines like Google / Yahoo / MSN, you will find billions of listings. On the one hand this establishes the profoundness of the Traffic Exchange Methodology, while on the other the overwhelming popularity also should caution you from frauds and scams.

Please remember even the commoners may smell the fraudulent practices involved.

Most of the search engines have their own auto crawler to provide the requisite protection. After all one cannot befool a smart crawler behind which a lot of expert robotic and human brains have been constantly at work. Just ask yourself; “can a school for kid web site provide a link to a porno site?” In such a case of paradoxical links, even if by the esteemed and popular providers like Adsense, then the content of your site demands your “Immediate and Urgent” attention.

Here you must remember the ever-cherished traditional concept, “Rome was not built in a day”. Traffic Exchange system is never one-time jobs that you can just set up and forget about. You need to continuously monitor and upgrade the links. This job also involves extensive research for finding out relevant links and other obsolete links.

What does a relevant site mean? A site that is cohesive or can become co-efficient in nature to your website is a relevant site. How do you find one such site? Find out sites, which have got similar business goals or objectives. How many similar matching products and services they both offer. Like a website for school kids can link to the relevant links that link to sites on various books/ articles/ magazines/ publishers, higher schools or universities for further studies, various tuition sites, vocational studies, fun and entertainment sites for kids, games and sports" sites etc.

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The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine If you have found out the relevant sites, where you are looking for a Link building or traffic exchange, then you need filtering. What are the parameters? One such parameter may be a PR Checker. You must try to negotiate with sites that have got higher PR

rankings. You can instantly search the PR of any website or any particular page of a website from the URL <>.

Once you find a host of sites as an outcome of your extensive research get down to short-listing them. Now, start sending mails to their webmasters requesting a link exchange.

Once they confirm you can start placing their links at your websites. Even this process can result in some advertising for you. So forge right ahead and give it a try? However if the traffic exchange is agreed upon then you need to also monitor whether your link has been pasted at your counterpart"s site. Please remember that this is a continuous process, where you need to watch the sites at regular intervals to ensure the existence of your link in the other sites.

Webmasters continuously update their sites that may result in an unnoticed or unwilling removal of your link from their site. In this case you need to immediately draw the attention of the Webmaster for that site. You might also find some deliberate exclusion of your site links from some of your smart counterparts, who do not have any basic business morale. In such cases, we suggest that you remove their links immediately.

With Internet becoming immensely popular a lot of websites have mushroomed but without proper maintenance and nurture they cease to exist leading to the premature death of the links that these websites provide to others. So, you should ensure the existence and up running for all sites among who traffic exchange system technique has been applied.

“So don"t be lured by the gimmicks like „Guaranteed Visitors" or „Million Visitors in 7

days" or „thousand traffic exchanges daily"”. It may be noted that they may or may not be frauds. However, prevention is almost always better than cure and a constant watch must be kept. Remember that the popularity of your site depends largely on how many web sites in cyberspace link to your site and this becomes the major criterion for search Page 14 of 42

The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine engines to determine the rank of your site. So, never treat traffic exchange as a child"s play; rather it is serious business. A proper systematic approach may lead to an explosion in the number of visitors to your site while improper utilization may also blacklist it.

Cultivate patience as you deal with Traffic Exchange as the famous adage goes “Slow but steady wins the race.”

Please note that a website, which remains unchanged over a period of time looses its ranking with the search engine. Search engine also demands dynamism like today"s life style!

There are several other ways of popularizing your website. Like when you submit your site to different sites publish the banner Advertisements or links at other sites. Please note that auto surf sites and pay-on-click sites can significantly add value to your website in terms of popularity.

Two-fold purpose of a website

On one hand a website provides you the unique opportunity to market and sell your products/ services as well as to establish your credential all the world over while on the other hand the website itself can become your key earning tool.

The first and foremost way is to earn money from your website is through procuring sponsorship and advertisements. As your website grows in popularity, major players will start choosing your site for publishing their advertisements, perhaps in the same way, you had started popularizing your website at the initial stages. Big companies and banks, Insurance Companies, Placement agents want to publish their advertisements to amass their popularity among the visitors. They prefer the websites, which have got more visitors and page view rates.

One such starter"s kit is Google Adsense. Google publishes various shaped Page 15 of 42

The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine advertisements at your site for sponsorship while Adsense promotes this. Perhaps this has reached the peak today for the beginners as the Internet World and Google have proved to be cohesive. Even you can find the other Internet giants like Yahoo and others have started following up the same technique.

The registration technique is fairly simple. Just go to the Adsense site, get yourself registered. Google will display several options including types and colours to choose from. Once you have selected the style/ colour/ size etc, Google will build the code for you, which you need to simply copy and paste in your web pages. It is sometimes forecast that Google Adsense gives your website a higher rank in the Google search engine which is yet to be proved.

Now this is hightime for us to discuss a bit about Google Adsense. The key parameter of Adsense is the content. The content may be of any type starting from the educational content and ending up with a backgammon website. Google searches the keywords from the content of each page and displays advertisements that suit them the most.

Just for an example a donate car site will have Advertisements of car donation related activities and sites like Charity Donation, Car Donation, Charitable Donation, California Donate Car, Top 10 Donate a Car sites. Advertisement varies over a period of time, because Google displays Ads dynamically until and unless some advertiser expresses his willingness to publish his advertisements on a particular web page. An education page should contain the advertisements Critical thinking, the teaching company, online training system, faculty jobs, eLearnig etc.

So, one must appreciate the importance of high-quality, focused content, by which the right advertising punch lines take place in your web page. The problem comes up when one page tries to focus on too many products or parameters. This is again a common scenario in the Home Page; where you want to highlight your all salient products and services. It is the challenge of the content developer to write the quality content for you without distorting your focal content. If Google finds miscellaneous types of content, generally it displays the advertisement of the generic service providers of the locality.

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The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine The advertisement may be for airfare or big hotels of that locality, which ultimately defeats your purpose. Again we want to reiterate, Google goes by theme based content of the web page, for advertising sponsors.

Nevertheless, the monthly revenue from Advertisements and sponsors can be a solid income from your website. However one needs to also put up continuous efforts to keep the website higher in ranking and maintain its popularity.

There are sites, which pay you if you simply view them

Website - explore its earning potential

When we set out to discuss the potential additional income that can be generated from a website, the first thing that comes up in our mind is home business. The concept of home business is nothing new to the world as it has spread over for long, but Internet has not only added glitters to it but has also converted it to a prime source of income from the comforts of your home. So, now home business is not treated as an additional income only but true income for individuals.

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The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine Home Business Lifestyle

Can you really make a living from home?

Home Business has become a buzzword in today"s Internet era. History has witnessed the emergence of frauds with the growing popularity of any business/ ideas. Today you will find millions of self-defined gurus, who attract you by false commitments and dreams. Some of them even provide one with the dream of becoming a billionaire almost overnight and a lot of people are lured by them to draw a blank in a shorter span, as a normal rule of life.

Then what is the way out?

The Absolute Truth…

Constant quest for innovation and intensive research on the Internet can only lead you to the right path. Before going for this venture you need to be prepared for the hard way of spending hours on the web. You will find that there are companies and individuals, who really want to value your efforts and time and are ready to send dollars to your bank accounts (real or virtual). Once again, you can only open the gateway for youself by continuous efforts that will set the right track for you.

There are a lot of the merchants, who allow free enrollment but guarantees to pay you the sum for using their services.

Again it cannot be a lucrative 6-figure income unlike most of the Home Business web sites. Rather we must say that earning the hard way will be when income is directly proportionate to the time, quality and efforts you can afford to put in.

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The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine The fact of life is nothing comes for free or without any efforts in today"s competitive world. So, again be prepared for the devotion. Most of the sites need your time and energy for which they are eager pay you.

BYOB (Be Your Own Boss)

Many professionals get themselves engaged in various part-time jobs to earn money.

The additional amount earned from a second job entails your time, effort, traveling and a lot more stipulations. Home business not only provides you the opportunity for earning additional dollars the key advantage being that you can earn from the cool comfort of your home. People, who always feel that the boss only dictates without any matured thought process, never leave the opportunity of becoming their own boss.

People frequently question as to how much can be earned? We must say that only you can define the limit. It depends on some key factors like how much time do you want to put in? How much effort do you put in? What is your skill level mainly when it comes to functional expertise like marketing (in case of pay per sales) or technical (programming in case of IT Programming solution)? It also depends upon one"s communication skill.

Remember, the client is always in the driver"s seat and if you want repetitive business, then the Word of Mouth is of primary importance. If you can provide quality jobs, then you can even get reference from your existing clients.

The key of any success lies in 3Ds, namely


Dedication and


What"s the problem if you keep on signing up a free newsletter? You will get continuous updates on the ways and add-ons to your web site, as the web world is continually being Page 19 of 42

The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine updated.

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The Internet Marketing Online Goldmine Online Business Ventures

Here we are going to find out several avenues for making genuine money to take the fullest advantage of Internet and its most vital role in this advertisement bound age.