15 Best Questions For Effective Employee Evaluation by GroSum - HTML preview

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6. Fulfillment/Gaps with job role

Type: Objective/Subjective


Skills are what the employee brings to the table to do an assigned job.

This review question helps assess the strengths & gaps of the employee towards fulfilling the key responsibility areas (KRAs).

Review Methods

It is expected that the employee & manager both understand the key competencies required to do the job that is assigned to the employee. So, anytime a new task is assigned, the employee should be aware of any new skills required to effectively complete the task.

Prior to the review, the employee & manager should agree on all the job competencies that were expected to be demonstrated through the year for all the tasks assigned to the employee.

Then, the Manager & employee should independently assess the competency level of the employee on each of them and recommend plans to develop in the near future.

Finally, there should be a discussion on the final needs for competency development & the timeline to develop them.