15 Best Questions For Effective Employee Evaluation by GroSum - HTML preview

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7. Career Path

Type: Subjective


As the employee progresses in his/her career within the organization, what are the skills that the employee demonstrates against those expected to be possessed, gaps and how these can be planned to be developed in the near future through training or job tasks.

Review Methods

Every employee has a career aspiration while the organization too plans for the path that the employee should traverse in the company. Again aspirations or plans change or evolve. So, the first step is to understand and align the individual’s aspirations to the organizational expectations and agree on the career roadmap at the beginning of the review.

Once agreed, the next step is to identify the skill requirements of the chosen career path and assess the fulfillment & gaps if any.

This review question should be a collaborative discussion that concludes with the plan that prioritizes development of missing or under-displayed competencies along a timeline for the employee.