15 Best Questions For Effective Employee Evaluation by GroSum - HTML preview

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12. Support, rewards & recognition

Type: Subjective


In return for what the employee commits to deliver to the organization, there should be an equivalent commitment from the organization in terms of support, rewards & recognition. So, this review question deals with employee expectations & what the organization commits to the employee.

Review Methods

For each stated & agreed commitment by the employee to the organization, the employee & Manager should discuss & agree on the support that the organization needs to provide to best attain the key results for the committed objectives. Support can be in terms of manpower, facilities or technology. Past performance of organizational support should be evaluated here and how existing support gaps can be eliminated needs to be addressed.

Next, for attainment of the key results by the employee, the organization needs to negotiate & agree on the rewards & recognition commitments to the employee. Rewards & recognition can be related to compensation, promotions or transfers or maybe the corner office too.

Finally, the organization’s offer of rewards for the performance of the employee in the current review period should be evaluated in the context of what was committed and agreed upon by the employee, after negotiations, if any.