15 Best Questions For Effective Employee Evaluation by GroSum - HTML preview

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Problems galore but solutions, where art thou?

Before I give you the 15 best review questions on employee evaluation that I have carefully collected after 12 years of interaction with industry leaders, let me first tell you what I have learnt from the mistakes that our performance reviews commit. Appraisals should be -

1.  Personalized for each employee.

2.  Focused on long term employee career aspirations too

3.  Described by how actual performance will be measured/evaluated

4.  Allowed for both Descriptive & objective assessment with free flow of  qualitative inputs

5.  Weighted according to priority as per employee’s job responsibilities

6. Mutually agreed upon by employee & manager before the review

7.  Evaluated independently by employee & manager to allow unrestricted inputs

8.  Open for disagreement by employee after Managers have given their inputs