31 Days to a Better Business in 2014 by Marey Hoeppner - HTML preview

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DAY 17 - Bill Slawski

Of Mentors, and of Listening

The van pulled up in front of our house, and a delivery guy started wheeling a handtruck towards our house, loaded with the biggest box I had ever seen. It was bigger than I was, by a lot. It was a week before Christmas, and I couldn’t help but imagine that it was filled with toys. It was.

I was probably given a bigger gift earlier that

inducted into the Hall of Fame for his industry’s

summer from my father and the people

trade group.

who had shipped that box, in a lesson about

listening. We had moved from New Jersey

We sat inside the car, in the client’s parking lot

to Cincinnati, Ohio, a couple of years earlier,

while my father went inside. He was in there

but most of our extended family still lived in

for a while, and we were getting antsy about

Jersey. So we started taking summer vacations

finishing the drive to New Jersey. He came

where we would drive to Jersey, and visit

out smiling after a while, and as we resumed

family. This particular year, my father stopped

our trip, he told us about how he suggested

at a potential client’s factory at a halfway point

that they make their bicycle completely out

in Pennsylvania.

of plastic, and that they had listened. They

bought machines from him to do that with.

They were interested in buying a machine my

father’s company made, so that they could

make bicycles with plastic tires. My dad sold

industrial plastics machinery back then, and

would go on to design some machines, run

a few plants of his own, and eventually be