7.5 Habits of Effective Networkers by Eric Mulford - HTML preview

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Habit 4 

Think Win/Win

Effective networking is a result of proper priorities:

Upon close examination, Stephen Covey's Habit # 4 from his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People seems to be the most difficult, the most fantastic of all habits to inculcate.

Unlike the first three habits, which were more concerned with decision making and applying the mind to the tasks at hand, this fourth habit is more about action. However, this is not the routine kind of action we are accustomed to.

The action described here is to be such that all parties involved are mutually benefited. This is for many a completely new way of looking at their life and business.

The Pillars of Win/Win

Three pillars making win/win magical…

This lesson develops each of these foundational components. Go through this lesson slowly – this fundamental business building processes. There is so little training on the subject of win/win. Negotiations break down whenever win/win isn’t the goal. Relationship are either not developed or they are destroyed because win/win is not the ultimate goal.

The Character Paradigm

Character is demonstrated across this matrix. The key components being consideration and courage. As a networker you must understand the value of each and how to move toward the Win/Win quadrant - requiring both courage and consideration in your interactions with others.

Three Character Traits for Win/Win

  • Integrity – It is impossible to achieve win-win if you don’t know what a win is. Be honest with you definition of win-win It should match others.

  • Maturity – As seen in the paradigm grid maturity requires consideration and courage in everything. Seek maturity in all relationships. Courage without maturity will make you brash. Consideration without maturity will make you a doormat. Maturity seeks a balance and develops a win/win goal in everything.

  • Abundance – The essential trait that there is plenty out there for everyone will impact your networking. No longer will you see people as competition. Your competition can be very helpful to you. There is plenty for all. Demonstrate abundance in all your relationships.

Relationships for Win/Win

Relationship Rules…

  • You definitely need to interact with people. Networking requires that you master people skills.

  • Make it clear in your head that if all parties can't benefit you'll walk away.

  • The benefit must be clear! It must be advantageous to everyone involved. Networking must be viewed in the same way you would see a joint venture project. The contribution must be clear as well as the advantages. Then and only then can everyone move forward.

  • Whatever the situations may indicate, there is always a way we can adapt in order to make everyone happy.

Agreements for Win/Win

Five elements necessary for agreement in Win/Win…

  • Desired Results – Identify what needs to be done and when.

  • Guidelines – The parameters by which things are to be done.

  • Resources – Identify the support that is available (human, financial, technical, etc...) to accomplish the task(s). Your resources is a study for another time, but identifying them is essential for win/win.

  • Accountability – The standards of performance and the time frame. Many relationships/partnerships fall apart when this is missing

  • Consequences – the good/bad, natural/logical results that will happen from the evaluation. Testing is essential for powerful business building. Understanding consequences is a key to effective testing.

Your Action Items

What to watch for when networking…

  • Think about a situation where you want to apply Win/Win. Commit to maintaining a balance between courage and consideration.

  • When considering a win/win agreement put yourself in the other person’s seat. Think from their perspective. What would be a win for them.

  • Have a clearly defined understanding of a win.

  • Think carefully about your own scripting (what world did you come from?) – is it win/win, win/lose, lose/lose or lose/win. This will seriously impact your ability to think win/win.