A Good Reason to Smile: A Dentist's Guide to a Better Financial Future by Ross Brannon - HTML preview

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Thank you for reading this book. I know there was a lot of information to digest, but it’s very important information, because it can impact your retirement and how you live your life until then.

I hope you got as much out of reading these interviews as I did conducting them. These professionals shared a wealth of knowledge on a wide range of subjects. I chose them because I knew they’d be able to answer not only my questions, but many of yours as well…not to mention questions many dentists never think to ask.

I hope there were times while reading this book you said, “I didn’t know that.” More important, I hope you followed that up by saying, “I can do something about that.” Because one of the biggest mistakes dentists make when it comes to retirement is not planning for it until it’s too late.

Back at the beginning of this book, I asked you how you felt when I said the word retirement. Confident? Concerned? Terrified?

Would you answer it differently now? If you were scared before, have you moved over to the concerned column? If you were already concerned, I hope you’ve gone from thinking, “Maybe I should do something about that,” to “I really need to do something about that.”

Because that was my goal with this book. Not to scare you, to open your eyes. To make you aware of the issue while you still have time to do something about it. Because knowing you need to do something is the first step toward actually doing something.

So, how do you do that? Now what?

If nothing else, you can use the information in this book to take some type of action. Look at your business. Look at your lifestyle. Look ahead to the future. Spend less. Save more.

In other words, start planning.

Feel free to reach out to the people in this book with questions or if you want to take advantage of their expertise. Their contact information is at the end of their chapter.

There’s one other step you can take. I’m available as a resource for you.

Because you got this book, you’re entitled to a complimentary “Financial Flossing” consultation with me. It’s not a sales pitch, it’s a strategy session. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other, and for me to answer your questions (even the ones you didn’t think to ask). If you’d like to arrange that, my contact information is at the bottom of this page.

Shouldn’t your retirement be as successful as your practice?