Affiliate Marketers Handbook by Hilton Recardo Izak Hartnick - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: The Amazing Viral Bonus

This is where

the magic starts !

It doesn't matter if you have skipped the whole book so far and opened it straight away at this chapter.

Or if you don't plan to use the tools provided.

Or the strategy which has been explained.

Or even if you did not understand it.

Even the newest online marketer will grasp what follows.

But first a quick recap


However - there's ONE MORE item you receive when you get the package.

It's a special link - resembling an affiliate link.

It will look like this etc ...

When you give out this link your visitors or readers will be taken to the same website page that you have just come from and they will download this very same book as you have done.

But when they click on the Magic Button at the end of this book it will have YOUR Paypal address** in it.

That's right - they will pay YOU the full $10.

It's like an affiliate program which pays (an unheard of) 100% commission.

Except that the payment goes directly to your Paypal account, you don't need to wait weeks before the affiliate program owner pays you or until you meet their payment conditions.

You will keep every single penny you earn, I get nothing.

Wow !!!

** P.S. There are other payment methods besides Paypal. Check here

It was at this point that Terry Rayburn at told me


But I'm sure you have some questions first ...

Harvey, a program which pays commission of 100% does not make sense. What's the catch - what's in it for you ?

The way that I gain is from the 'backend' profits.

I will explain this in detail when you have the link and I'll show you how you can also share the proceeds with me - with an even more startling idea.

** Actually it's more than 'sharing' - you will get 70% ! **

It's the idea which prompted Tim Spencer at to say


What this means is that it's very important for me that YOU do well out of our joint venture because we will share the additional proceeds.

Now contrast this to products where the owner sells you the resale rights, takes your money and that's it. No need for him to assist you any more.

Is it complicated ? How do I set this up ?

There's nothing to set up. Your affiliate link will be waiting for you.

You just promote that link. I'll show you how with a HUGE list of ideas.

So I don't need to rebrand the book and upload it to my site or blog ?

Absolutely not.

Your visitors come to my site.

You don't even need a site or blog of your own.

That's great but you capture the sign ups not us

It's the reverse !

As you have seen I don't capture the names of those who download the book

But you can capture contact details BEFORE sending them to that link.

It's your decision. Case Stevens at likes the idea of not asking for the address.


Suppose they remove the affiliate part of the link and I lose out on the sale ?

You mean like this ?

If they get to that page they can't go any further. (Try it yourself).

How - and to whom - do I hand out the link ?

You will have access to a huge resource of tips, advice and ideas for promoting the book.

It probably contains more material than any other affiliate program you have ever joined - and you are welcome to use the ideas for your other programs.

You'll find it when you download the package

But for starters you can hand the link out as a free gift to your site visitors, subscribers, customers.

Your target audience could be any online business - they ALL need to know how to attract traffic. Or any of the millions of newbies looking for a simple income producing opportunity.

Take one idea, simply adding it as a free gift when anyone joins your mailing list. Once you set it up the free offer can just sit there on automation pulling in readers, and subsequently sales, day after day, week after week - for as long as your site exists.

Or a simple signature file at the end of your email messages


And an extra bonus - there's a Guru Guide showing exactly how some top marketers are promoting this book: you will see the actual copy they have used in their newsletters, sites and even blogs.

This in itself is a education not to be missed.

How much money can I make with this idea ?

Here's a tip: whenever a product owner give you figures about the money you will make I advise you to run.

If you expect that my ebook will bring you a pot of gold tomorrow morning you will be disappointed.

But if you would like to see something which I find infinitely more preferable and satisfying - a steady flow of $10 sales throughout the day, and each and every day continuously, and all achieved with automation - then this is for you.

As one of my affiliates told me

"I typically make $20 a day - that's $600 a month just from including the link in my signature file"

But what I will tell you is this - you should do better than me ...

Harvey, explain - how can you say I should do better than you ?

I'm quite serious, there's two reasons:

1) I have no advantage over you in being the author of the book. Our visitors see exactly the same site page and the same book.

But you are able to provide the most powerful of all selling techniques - a 3rd party recommendation, whether it's a few words or a full scale review.

I can't say that this book heralds a marketing revolution with its unique ideas on pre-selling and traffic building using ebooks and articles, ebook rebranding with just one link, and on the fly pdf creation.

That would be blowing my own trumpet.

But YOU can say it.

2) I can't follow up with my ebook readers. I have deliberately not required a sign-up. (Remember, you have not given me your name have you ?)

But you have the opportunity to capture contact details and carry out a series of persuasive follow ups.

And if you want ideas on how to go about this there's a book specially waiting for you in the package - Autoresponder Maximizer.

Why are you charging such an absurdly low price of $10 for all those great products as well as the opportunity to sell the package ?

Some people hit that Magic Button moments after reading this page - they don't need convincing of the power of this strategy.

Others still hesitate - they wonder if this is a big con and if I'm a fly by night character. Believe it or not I occasionally get an angry accusing email if the download stalls for some reason.

Well even most doubters must know that for only $10 there's no big risk involved.

Even if they don't plan to sell a product with these tools they will want to grab hold of the viral link to rebrand the Magic button.

And that's another $10 going into YOUR Paypal account.


OK, sounds great Harvey, except that I'm a newbie and don't know how to set up a website or a blog

Well as I've already said, you don't need a site or blog - however just for you there's an unannounced bonus you'll read about in a moment.


What if someone has a problem downloading the package ?

Don't worry, they won't contact you. I handle all customer support issues for you. I give out my contact details on the payment page so they'll come straight to me if there is a problem.

So please recap, what will I receive ?


For just $10


One more thing - is there a guarantee ?

You will be pleased to know that I do NOT offer a guarantee.

What (you say ) - why would you be pleased ?

I'll explain.


And so why should you be pleased about this ?

It's obvious.

Everyone who buys the package agrees they cannot request a refund.

So when YOU make your sales they are all FINAL which means you will keep every penny.

It's time to click the Magic Button - but . . .


You can now discover

* This additional twist

* The unannounced bonus

* The latest conversion stats

* and more - when you click the button.



Still undecided ?

Then read on ...
