Affiliate Marketing in 2016 Made Easy - Anyone Can Succeed With This Method by Howard Lynch - HTML preview

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Day Two

Task one: Register your product with JVZoo

This one shouldn't take more than a couple minutes. Log into JVZoo and hit “Seller”, then scroll to “Seller's dashboard”.


Then Click “Add a product”.


Now they will ask you for information about your product. In this case I will use the “Gateway To Success” readymade business I provided you with as an example:

-Allow Sales: Select “No”, as your sales page isn't ready yet.

-Show in Marketplace: Select “No”, as your product cannot be sold yet.

-Disregard Launch Date and Time for the time being.

-Product Name: In this case, “Gateway To Success”. If you rebranded the product, then input it's new name here.

-Currency: Always choose “US Dollars” unless you are targeting a very specific niche that doesn't have customers in the United Sates.

-Product Price: 17,95$ in this case.

-Commission: 70 percent. This is the percentage of the total price that affiliates will receive if they bring you a sale. So in this case they will earn 12,56$ per sale, and the rest will go to you. It may seems like a huge ammount to give away, but keep in mind that affiliates will bring you sales that you could not have made on your own, and that's always profit.

-Quantity: Leave empty

-Support email address: Leave empty for now, as you will use an email address associated with your domain name. I'll show you how to create this email account later on. Update: you actually need to enter an email address to save the product, so just enter whatever you want, as we will come back and edit this later on.

-Landing page/Sales Funnel/Squeeze Page/prelaunch: Disregard.

-Send all traffic to sales page after launch date/time: Doesn't matter what you choose here.


-Sales page: choose “externally hosted sales page”.This will be the website you bought hosting for.

-Under “Sales page URL” type the domain name you purchased IN FULL(including http:// and including the final /). For demonstration purposes in bought the domain name Don't forget to watch my video series to see me go through the whole proccess of what I'm explaining here.

-Pass affiliate ID to Sales Page: “Yes”

-WP Back Up Sales Page URL: Disregard. Keep your html files in a folder somewhere and that's the only back up you'll ever need.

-Delivery Method: Choose “Protected Download”. What this means is that whenever someone purchases your product, JVZoo will automatically send them an email containing a direct link to download your product, and you don't have to do anything.

-Return period: Basically for how long you are willing to refund unsatisfied customers. This is up to you, but most of the readymade businesses I gave you have a 60 days money back guarantee, so check the sales page. (I set 50 years because I offer lifetime refunds for this product).

-Affiliate Approval: “Auto-Approval”

-Archive this product: “No”.


On the right side, you will have to fill in more information.

-Payment Option: PayPal should be an option if you linked your PayPal account as explained previously. Click it.

-Description for Buyers: This one is not that important, as the product is already described in your sales page. You can copy what I wrote or you can come up with a short description yourselves.

-Primary Category: This ebook is about self-improvement, so I chose “Self- Improvement General”. There is a long list of options, so you shouldn't have a problem finding the option that best suits your product. I personnaly don't bother with Optional Categories, but feel free to do as you see fit.

-Keywords: In this case I'm using keywords that appear on my sales page, and are very broad and general. Basically, how could you describe your product in 5 words (or group of words) ?

-FB social discount: This is the ammount, in dollars, that buyers will be discounted if they share your product on Facebook. I don't exactly know how efficient this is or if it affects your sales in an important way, but I suggest you don't go over 2 dollars. I always go with one.


Then Click on “Save Product”.


Now JVZoo will ask you to upload your product. Don't get confused here, it means the ACTUAL product- so the ebook or video files- the digital product your clients pay for. In this case, I uploaded the ebook “Gateway To Success” in PDF format.

Task Two: Edit your sales page and add a JVZoo “buy now” button.

Now that the task above as been completed, you will have to edit your sales page before uploading it to the internet. The readymade sales page I provided you with don't have a button linking to your JVZoo product yet, and they don't have your name. To modify them, you can either:

-Modify the html code using your coding skills.

-If you don't know how to code you can use a visual html editor. A very good free one is PageBreeze. You can download it for free.

Once again, watch my videos for a clear understanding of the whole process and a live demonstration.

Once you have a visual html editor, open it and browse to your index.html folder that should be present in your reseller product package.


Now start making changes. Replace [FIRSTNAME LASTNAME] by your first and last name, and change