Be a Moneymaker by Arshad Aubeeluck - HTML preview

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Get rich with less effort


I know that for some people when they receive their salaries at the end of the month, nothing is left because all the money has been spent to pay bills and hence very little is left for personal expenses. This kinda sucks, right? Not anymore-today I am going to give you tips how to prevent that from happening, so without any further ado, let’s get started:

  1. Make a plan- Making a plan is the best way to start saving money. Write down all your monthly expenses and see how much you spend each month. If you see that the amount of monthly salary you get is smaller than your monthly wages, you should know that it is now time to cut some expenses. Do not buy unnecessary things especially on credit and do not invest your money anywhere unless you are sure that you will be able to pay for them and that you are able to pay your monthly bills. Being in debt will prevent you from reaching your full financial potential- Always remember that you should always stick to your plan and take it seriously!
  2. Obtain more than one income- It is okay to obtain only your monthly salary but if you want to make more money, it is important that you obtain more than one income. This can be done by performing part jobs or even by doing some overtime if it is possible. Take the neighbor's dog for a walk or cut the grass. Why not start your own brand? Many people have done that and my famous example is Fraser Doherty who took his grand-mother's recipe of Jam and he made a fortune out of it by selling it. In the same way you can start a business by converting your hobby into your monthly income!
  3. Save as much as you can- You may think that it’s quite tough to do that but it is really simple- you can just start saving as low as $25 per month and you just put it in your savings account-little by little you will see that this will definitely make a difference. You should also find ways to save some money like decreasing the amount of fast food you buy or to stop buying clothes more often. You can later take all the money you have saved and invest it into a business or even stock market. Always remember that all the millionaires have started by saving small amount of money!

Remember that these steps will definitely help you save some money but will not make you a millionaire overnight. Patience is a great virtue.