Be a Moneymaker by Arshad Aubeeluck - HTML preview

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Small Decisions That Will Improve Your Financial Status


Whether you have a little or a lot of money, there are many things that anyone can do to help improve their financial status. Improving your finances is not about making life altering decisions. You do not need to become the world’s most well-informed investor or to create a budget that is so strict that you live on nothing but potatoes. The end of the year is the time that many people think about changing their financial position for the better. If you’re not ready for a big resolution, you can make just as much progress by making several small decisions that are aimed at improving your finances.

1. Get Informed

One of the most important things that you can do to improve your financial standing is to be informed about finance. You do not need to become an accountant or find a financial guru. It is all about educating yourself in the places that matter most. The process of becoming better informed about your finances has two parts. You need to understand your own finances. Having a clear picture about where you currently stand is essential for setting and achieving your financial goals. You need to know what you have, what you earn and what you owe. This basic knowledge will have a real impact on how you look at finance.

2. Set Real, Achievable Goals

If you’re not already setting goals, there is no time like right now to begin doing so. If you are setting goals, there is no time like right now to measure your progress so that you can improve. Financial goals are important when it comes to improving your finances. These goals give you something to work for. They also give you something to measure your success by. Setting goals is all about setting achievable goals. To do this, you need to be specific in the goals that you set for yourself. These are two different types of saving and you would use different methods of achieving each goal. This is why it is so important to make your goals as detailed as possible.  Do not forget to keep your goals attainable. An unreachable goal sets you up for failure and often hurts not only your finances but your attitude about money.

3. Take Your Time

Taking your time is one of the most important decisions you can make about your finances. Rome was not built in a day and your retirement accounts will not be either. Choosing to think about your financial decisions is also a multi-faceted approach. First, you should make sure that you take time to think about your purchases before you buy them. This helps weed out impulse buys and helps you spend money in a health way. One great way to do this is to put the item in your shopping cart online and if you are still thinking about it the next day, you may actually need the item.

Secondly, you should take your time creating a financial plan. When striving to reach a goal, give yourself enough time to reach it. Trying to save too much, too fast is hard to do. Have patience with yourself and your bank account.

4. Eliminate Things You Don’t Use

Everyone has at least one bill that they pay every month for a service that they do not use. Whether yours is a landline, a gym membership or a subscription service that you have not figured out how to cancel, take some time to declutter your finances. Eliminating even one thing from your monthly selection of bills can make a big difference on your monthly finances. More importantly, it teaches you how to let go of spending habits that are not serving you. Taking these small steps towards prosperity can take your further than you’d ever imagine. Remember that you have your whole life to manage your finances, you do not need to accomplish everything today.