Be a Tiptop Server by J. D. Marshall - HTML preview

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Touch Customers (Guest)


Touching is a powerful form of interpersonal behavior that can communicate affection, appreciation, aggression, dominance, social support or other meanings depending on the context in which it occurs.

The positive effects suggest that being touched may also increase the tips that guests leave their servers,

But when and how do we touch a guest? The best time is after you have developed a rapport with the guest. It may have been during the greeting when they shook your hand or it could happen before you leave the table to get their drinks, touching them on the shoulder as you tell them you will be right back with the order. This reassures them that you are going to take care of them. The best time of course is when presenting the check and thanking them for dining with you.

Who do we touch? This should almost always be the host, with some acceptions. A female server should touch the females in mixed sex dining parties and the male servers should touch the men, this is especially true with younger diners (prevents jealousy). With elderly guests you may do it with both, but make sure you do it with both, don’t leave one out.

Where do we touch? It is best to touch the guest lightly on the shoulder for no more than one to two seconds. You may touch them on the arm, but you should never touch their hands unless you are presenting the check or shaking hands with them. The guest will find this a lot less intrusive.

Touching is not easy for every one, you may want to try this first with your regular guests before trying it with strangers. This takes some practice as you do not want it to appear to be forced. Learn to do it casually and with confidence.