Brick and Mortar Business for Newbies by Jackdiesel - HTML preview

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By now, you should know if owning a retail business of your own is right for you. If you have, you have learned all of the things that you will need to be aware of in order to get it up and running. Hopefully you have also realized that running your own business takes a lot more than mere desire.

What I have not mentioned yet is how you can get the start up money for your business, so I will write a little bit about it now. Since getting money is relatively self explanatory, I though it unnecessary to give it a full section. Here a the different ways that you can get the money to run your own business.

  •  You can apply for a loan 
  • You can borrow money from friends or separate loan companies. 
  • You can take the money from your savings

That is about all that I feel is needed in knowing where you can get your start up money. Of course you can always check your government listings as there are some places in the government that will help you with your start up costs.

In this guide you have learned to:

  • Decide if you have what it takes to start your own retail business 
  • How to chose the right business for you 
  • The benefits and pitfalls to owning your own retail business 
  • What must be done in order to start your own business.
  • What types of licensees and permits that you will need while running your own business 
  • Whether or not to be a partnership, sole proprietor, or corporation 
  • Problems that can arise by owning your own business 
  • Marketing 
  • How to avoid common mistakes made by first time owners 
  • Merchandising and inventory 
  • Choosing the right location 
  • How to know your strengths 
  • The business plan 
  • Knowing your market

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