Building Wealth With Dividend Growth Stocks by Derrick C. Thomas - HTML preview

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– The Early Days –

So maybe now you're wondering who am I, and why should you listen to me. I'll give you the short version. I grew up in a housing project on the eastside of Detroit, Michigan. I begin playing music in my early teens and decided it would be what I would do for the rest of my life.

Something that started out as just a hobby turned into a form of passive income that I still receive to this day.

But if I had any regrets about my life in music it would be the failure to make a solid financial plan for my future, and the future of the family who would come to depend on me for it.

Money fights are the second leading cause of divorce, behind infidelity. Both high levels of debt and lack of communication are major causes for the stress and anxiety surrounding household finances.

A lack of self–discipline and self control can bring you down quickly. I really needed a soild financial plan in place to stabilize my domestic life.

I was a working musician who didn't have a plan not only for my finances, but for my life. Unfortunately my marriage didn't survive that unstable environment.

"There is no growth without change"