Corporate Undertaker by Domenic Aversa - HTML preview

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Lessons for Crisis

3. Speed of the leader, speed of the group.

The leader sets the tone, pace, and expectations for the entire company. If the leader rises to the occasion, so will others. The first sacrifice should be made by the leader in every instance. If a leader is going to ask for skin from his/her employees, theirs should be cut first and deeper. If they’re not up to the task, they need to move out of the way immediately.

Task: Make a list of things that you aren’t doing but that you should be doing. Next, review all of the benefits that you and your family take out of the business—start cutting all of the things that are unnecessary to the survival of the business. The only thing that you need is a paycheck and healthcare insurance, and if you don’t need a paycheck, don’t take one. You only need a contract for $1 to have healthcare. Every available dollar should go toward saving the business. If you can’t do that, prepare to sell it.