Easy Social Networking For Business by Lee Werrell - HTML preview

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Google+, What?

Definitely the new kid on the block, Google plus (as it is pronounced) is the social networking project run by Google attempting to replicate the way people interact off-line more than any other social network.

Google+ should be available to everybody now even though it was rolled out regionally, the vast majority of the world should be able to use all features including the Google+ Business Pages. This then creates a dilemma for some people insomuch as they raise the question of whether they should seize the opportunity of Google+ or continue using the previous social networking tools.

With all new innovations it important to look at the benefits and disadvantages before you jump right in and start to establish your page, especially if there is a risk you may not maintain it.

As Google+ is so new, why would you choose to establish a Business Page in Google+?

Firstly, to benefit from the ever invasive and increasingly dominant Google SEO and whatever wild life derivative iteration we are now subject to, and secondly to access disillusioned customers who no longer love Facebook, who are an increasing number because of the changes to Facebook and the way they broadcast your every online move.

The recent changes on Facebook has been the architect of its own issues as people seem to disappear from friends lists and are clueless about their disappearance from your view. The increase of unrelated and somewhat unclear responses does not help and the monster network still seems to be stomping its way across the universe.

Early indications about Google+ Business Pages include people who say that:

  • The Google + page is far superior, mainly uncomplicated and less cluttered compared to Facebook pages
  • Less is more and Google+ is simple and user friendly to both visitors and owners. Some have even commented that Google seems to understand simplicity in the same way Apple did with no superfluous features. I am sure the late Mr Jobs would be pleased to hear that.
  • Certain people might enjoy the confusion in Facebook because they operate in the same manner. They say that they don't want a lot of advertisements on their monitors, and that they like to have the option of choosing who to follow, or receive information from.

The fact that Business Pages were added should drastically increase the use of Google + and should now use Google+ more.

A welcome fact that has been repeated many times is the fact that Google+ permits non-commercial organisations to establish pages. institutions such as NASA managed to get more than enough exposure on the asteroid that was on its way to Earth as their profile previously contained extremely constructive information on the subject They praised the interface in Google+, particularly with YouTube being most applicable with the latest and future news information.

Google+ Tips

Google+ is quickly becoming an essential part of any business’ social media strategy. Boasting over 90 million users, this new-boy social network is going to grow very quickly as Google has made having a Google+ account mandatory for all Gmail users. Google+ is also playing a major role in SEO by making it easier for marketers to show up in search results.

About Page

the about page on Google plus is a fantastic but sadly overlooked first step which to give people an overview of what your company is all about is essential. Within this page you can link back to specific pages and services and remembering what we said earlier about bulleted lists and specialist skills, you can direct these busy people that are your prospects to the most important pages of your website quickly and efficiently.

SEO friendly copy is important for your profile on this site and ensure that it includes the keywords and information that searchers will want to know about your company. In your description Google+ allows bullet points which are simple to create. A contact form is also permitted to be included. As with all online marketing it may be best to test and retest different variations to see what works best for your particular business.

The Benefits for Setting Up Google+ Post Authorship:

•           Increases awareness of your overall Google+ profile page

•           Adds a human element to your content and increases trust

•           Helps your content stand out from the crowded search page results

•           Improves your chances of showing up in more search results

•           Protects the original post’s ranking position as higher than a post that has syndicated the original content

•           Studies have shown that Google+ Authorship increases click through rates


Use Google+ Hangouts for video conferencing. Again, the beauty here is that it is highly integrated with other Google applications. So, if you use Google apps for your business, Hangouts can be a quick and easy way to connect teams and get some face time with a prospect.

Using Google Events

Google recently announced the Events feature which allows Google+ users to send out customised invitations to anyone regardless of whether or not they are Google+ users. It synchronises beautifully with Google Calendar and automatically shows when a user confirms for an event.

In addition to sending out invites to webinars, work functions, parties, etc., Google Events can also send out invites for Google Hangouts. This could be the catalyst that gets your business on board to start using Hangouts or increase the awareness and attendance of the ones you are already hosting.

The “Party mode” feature of Events allows everyone in attendance to instantly upload pictures to the same album using the Google+ mobile app, creating a living, real-time photo journal of a specific time and place. You can then show the photos off in chronological order as a slideshow all within Google+.

TopTip #21 – Profile Creation

It always starts with the creation of your profile. You need to take your time when creating one for your business.  You also have to make sure that you have thought about your introduction. Make it stand out above all the others so that other users will add you to their circles.  You can even make use of the links when creating your profile. Make the most out of it by adding the link to your website or other social media profiles.

TopTip #22 – Images of You and Your Company

Images are very important. It puts a face to your company. Choose the best one to include on your profile and also choose photos which you want Google to find.  If you wish to create a good brand image then you start by choosing the right image for your Google+ account.

TopTip #23 – Make Your Profile Searchable

When setting up your account in Google+, you have to be sure that you put a check mark on the option where in it would allow others to find your profile. This is very important since being searchable in search engines would give you better chances of your profile in being indexed.

TopTip #24 – Google+ Circles

Through this ultimate feature of Google+, you will be able to categorise the people that you interact with accordingly.  These categories can be by profession, business, personal, friends, acquaintances and many more.  You can even create one for your target customers. This offers better organization which can be very useful for any entrepreneur.

TopTip #25 – Interaction Is the Key

The heart of social media lies within interaction and connection with other people. As you use Google+ or any other social networking sites, you have to make sure that you connect and interact with others. It is never enough to just create a profile and just hope things will work out. It needs you as the driving force to make your social media marketing technique to work. Yes, this can be time consuming but the results are definitely worth all your hard work and patience.

TopTip #26 – Hash tags

Like Facebook and twitter, Google+ also has their hash tags. Make use of it and benefit from it. By using these, you can access the users who are following those hash tags which you used on your posts.

TopTip #27 – Content Posting

 Once you have your set of google+ users, you can now interact with them. You can do this by posting images, texts, videos, relevant links and many more.  You can even tag other people just like the other social networking sites.

TopTip #28 – Google+ Hangouts

This feature works the same as Skype. You can use this feature in holding conferences or meetings. You can even use this feature to stream live to countless viewers.

TopTip #29 – Post Regularly

It is also important to post regularly on Google+. This is similar to any other social media marketing strategy. You need to regularly post fresh content for your viewers to read.

TopTip #30 – Content Is King

Create unique content at all times. This is one key aspect that you should apply to your online marketing strategy when creating posts not only for your Google+ page but to all other sites that you have. Consumers want to read a content which is not only informative but is unique as well. If your write ups are similar to what your competitors have, then you are doing it the wrong way. You will end up losing followers and all your efforts will be gone to waste.


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A Complete Up-To-Date Step-By-Step Blueprint of How to Use Google+ To Build Your Business

This comprehensive guide shows you exactly how you can get your business on Google+ for massive exposure and how to use it to build your brand.

Click Here for Details

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