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Facebook Marketing Tips

Facebook: Everybody seems to at least know of Facebook which is probably the largest and most popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family, friends of family and friends or friends as well as colleagues. The site is available in different languages.

7 Ways To Build Fans To Your Facebook Page

Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has changed considerably and has become such a popular social networking website. One of the main changes has been the ways to advertise your business and attract attention. Many people have had difficulty in promoting their page after creating it so these seven points will help you increase followers of your page and use the power that is social networking to raise awareness of your business.

1. Ask your friends to like your page

Although it seems a little against what we usually do, and assume that we will get support from our family and friends, it is useful to ask people you know to like your page on Facebook. Getting likes in this was is free and helps promote your page. These likes will appear in the news feed of their friends, and this in turn will hopefully lead their friends to like your page as well. A good point to remember here is that you should not be too pushy, and it is best to provide a reason why anyone should like your page.

2. Update frequently

Like blogging, you should be current and frequent in your posts. If you don’t then people will lose interest and either unlike (stop following) or look at your page, realise it is so out of date and there is no valid content for them to view, and move on. Try to post interesting snippets and useful information at least three to five times a week.

3. Share your Facebook link

Let people know about your page, e.g., include your Facebook link in your website, on your other social media account profiles, on your blog so that a post is made automatically or on direct messages or thank you messages as well as on flyers or brochures your business might give out.

You can get and add a Facebook "Like" Box to the homepage of your website.

Including your link in the email signature block tells everyone you email that you created a Facebook page and encouraging them to like it. Sometimes you have to tell people what to do and this is a way of them being sub-consciously told “like that page”

4. Post interesting content

As previously mentioned posting interesting content on your page is critical. If you put yourself in the position of the customer, they are being bombarded with constant Google ads, Facebook ads, Bing and a plethora of other advertisers and their messages every day.

If you post quality content with good quality graphics it creates not only a good impression but also sparks their curiosity. Also your comments should be in the form of questions which encourages people to respond. If you follow thought leaders or influencers on sites like LinkedIn you will find they often post by asking a question.

I realise that this element could sound daunting and time-consuming, however trust me, somebody has already created an app for that. I use the number of sources to assist me in this area and one particular useful source is EverPost (everpost.co). They provide daily suggested or recommended posts to share on your Facebook or Twitter accounts and in a few clicks you have successfully posted to your followers.

Another useful idea is to create events on your page and invite people to join them. In this way you can hold a meeting like a webinar and discuss features or benefits of your product or service and invite people to discuss the ways they have found beneficial or even problems they have encountered and how the solutions were arrived at.

5. Hold contests

Similar to events you can also hold contests or competitions. These don't have to be particularly huge or expensive. As Napoleon observed, paying a soldier is of no consequence, but; “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of coloured ribbon”.

So, prizes such as your company’s products or services on a weekly or monthly, or you may prefer to limit it to something like a coupon or an EBook. The competition does not have to be anything clever or academic it could simply be that you set a goal for a number of likes or new members from a person’s recommendation.

If you have considered offering an e-book but do not want the hassle of editing, proofing, uploading or promoting your e-book then you can use our free service at Kindle Publishing House (https://www.facebook.com/KindlePublishingHouse ) where we will perform these tasks for you, you have your name or your company on the book, you get the credibility and kudos of having a published work which will also be available for you to distribute as a PDF, and we split any commissions earned.

6. Advertise

Facebook provide an advertising feature which allows you to demographically target your market. This feature can be very useful in the production of traffic to your page, thereby increasing the number of likes as well as getting greater exposure to precisely defined customers who will have a greater propensity to buy.

Google Adwords also provide the targeting facility on a regional basis and you can select particular areas or categories not to advertise in. You can pay by the number of appearances or the most commonly used method is payment per click, when somebody clicks on the link to learn more.

Just as you would decide on a budget if you were to place advertisements in newspapers and magazines, it is vital to keep to any budget when using online services as these can run away with you and become expensive or ineffective.

7. Be patient

Getting likes and establishing a suitable sized fan base takes an enormous amount of dedication as well as time and patience. Once you have the followers the key and distinct difference to traditional marketing is to constantly engage in interesting conversations and quality content. This way their loyalty to you and your company, as well as the trust in the product or service doing precisely what they require it to do, will reward you far greater and far faster than any other method available.

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Work the Simple Facebook Strategies

After perfecting social media with success guru Tony Robbins and dozens of other high profile clients, Amy Porterfield reveals below exactly how…

Using Just These Few Simple Strategies,

You Can Literally EXPLODE Facebook to Create Traffic, Leads and Profits

Click Here

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TopTip #1 - Make them like or share your page

Content is always the first thing that a Facebook user will consider when looking at your post. If you are serious about increasing the awareness of the public about your company, then you must always provide valuable and interesting content to them. By doing so, those who read your post will either like it or even share it on their Facebook wall. By doing this, you will be able to reach a wider audience with the help of one person who liked your post or page. Imagine what it can do if there were hundreds of users who shared your page to their walls.

TopTip #2 - Post Valuable and Related Content

When you are posting something on your Facebook page, you have to make sure that it is informative and relevant to what your company is actually offering. This only means that you have to concentrate on topics wherein you can easily connect to the products or services which you are offering.  You can write about a specific current event, articles, pictures or videos which can easily be tied to your company.  Once you have done this, you can even ask other users to take part by letting them post their comments or questions if any.

TopTip #3 – Use Various Types of Content

What is so good with Facebook is that you can post any type of content that you like. You can use plain text, add in a couple of photos or even use videos with caption. Take advantage of the features offered by this social networking site and make the most out of it.

TopTip #4 – Facebook Ads

Facebook also has its own advertising feature. These classic ads can be found on the sides of the site.  You can use this to drive more traffic to your own Facebook Business page or to your company’s main site.  An ad would contain a featured image, a brief description, a call to action and a link which you can use to direct the viewers to your fan page or to your main site.

TopTip #5 - Timely Response

It is very important that you pay attention to your viewers especially those who have comments or questions about your posts. The thing with social media is that you are expected to interact with your viewers and you have to keep up with it. Therefore, replying promptly to their concerns should be on top of your priority. Doing this would let your viewers know that you exist and they can interact with you. If you fail to do this, you can expect your fan page to drastically weaken in an instant.

TopTip #6 - Regular Posting Is a Must

In contrast to the conventional way of media marketing, using an online social media requires you to provide regular posts with fresh and valuable content. Facebook users would appreciate business pages that are capable of providing them with new and informative content on a regular basis.

TopTip #7 - Be As Creative As You Can

When creating your business fan page, you really do not have to be as stiff as a board all the time. You will be considered as boring by several users. Be creative. Be funny. You can make each and every post you share as enjoyable as possible.  Yes, you want to promote your products and services as well as tell them about your company but you can always do this by being enticing, interesting, relevant and delightful as well. This will trigger better interaction with your viewers therefore, increasing your online presence and the public’s awareness of your brand.

TopTip #8 – Add Business Apps to Your Page

It is also important that you add the necessary applications to your Facebook business page.  This will greatly help in making sure that your viewers will have a good user experience when browsing your page. Aside from that, they will get to enjoy your page which is not only informative and interesting but also fun and interactive.

TopTip #9 – Try Facebook Contest

Almost all individuals love to participate in contests. The thrill and the excitement it gives are amazing. So, why not employ this on your Facebook business page? There are several third party applications which can help you out with this.  Think of an interesting type of contest and give it a go

TopTip #10 – Measure Your Marketing Efficiency in Facebook

In every marketing strategy, you have to find out if what you have actually implemented is providing you with the results which you are expecting. Allot sometime in finding the right tool to measure the efficiency of your marketing strategy in Facebook. Remember, social media marketing requires time and a lot of effort so do not expect to see tremendous changes in a just a couple of days. Give it time and be genuinely enthusiastic and committed with what you are doing and you will surely reap the benefits.