Ebay Seller Success Tips! by Tomo Albanese - HTML preview

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7. EBAY – PART 7

we’re going to continue our discussion with

choosing things to sell, which is probably the most important part of this business.

If you were to go to a powerseller and ask him or her what they sold, the answer would, at least in most cases be, “I sell what I like.”

Now, if you are thinking that this answer is a bit flippant, it’s not. See, as with any business, you better like what you do. If you have no interest in something, you’re not going to want to do it. My interests, as far as Ebay went, was selling old and rare trading cards. I have been an avid card collector for over 40 years. I have seen them all. So this was something that I really enjoyed doing. If I tried to sell lamps, I’d be bored to death. I just couldn’t do it.

The point I am trying to make is this. You will be more likely to do well with this if you are selling something that you like. So I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell the people I train who go into affiliate marketing or even creating their own products. Write down your interests and focus on them. If you like sports, maybe you might want to concentrate on selling sports memorabilia. If you like music, maybe you might want to sell old CDs or even vinyl records. Believe it or not, there is a market for old records. Just pick something that you’re interested in or you’re not as likely to stick with it.

Lots of people ask me if selling something you’re interested in can make you a lot of money. They think that doing something like this can’t be more than just a hobby. Well, there is one guy who used to be a watch maker. He really loves watches. As a matter of fact, he loves watches so much that he sells them on Ebay. Is this a hobby for him? Yes, it’s a hobby. Does he also have a real job? Yes, he also has a real job. Know what it is? It’s selling watches on Ebay. He’s one of the biggest watch sellers on Ebay in the whole world and he only works an hour a day.

So you see, you can do something on Ebay that you enjoy and still earn a full time living at it.

I don’t personally sell on Ebay any longer, though I certainly have enough products to do so. But I do make a living doing something I enjoy a lot. I’ve been writing almost all my life and I essentially make my living as a writer. I do it full time and I love it. I am able to pay all the bills and have plenty left over to enjoy my life.

So if I seem to be driving this point home, I am sorry. You certainly don’t have to sell something that you enjoy selling. However, if you don’t, you stand a much greater chance of dropping out of the business long before you ever see your first dime.