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Leading indicators

• The leading indicators consist of the following economic indicators:

• Average workweek of production workers in manufacturing

• Average weekly claims for state unemployment

• New orders for consumer goods and materials (adjusted for inflation)

• Vendor performance (companies receiving slower deliveries from suppliers)

• Contracts and orders for plant and equipment (adjusted for inflation)

• New building permits issued

• Change in manufacturers' unfilled orders, durable goods

• Change in sensitive materials prices

Personal income. It’s the income received by individuals, nonprofit institutions, and private trust funds. Components of this indicator include wages and salaries, rental income, dividends, interest earnings, and transfer payments (Social Security, state unemployment insurance, and veterans' benefits). The wages and salaries reflect the underlying economic conditions. This indicator is vital for the sales sector. Without an adequate personal income and a propensity to purchase, consumer purchases of durable and nondurable goods are limited. For FX traders, personal income is not significant.

 2001 by Royal Forex. All right reserved.


3.3. Forex dependence on financial and sociopolitical factors

Financial factors are vital to fundamental analysis. Changes in a government's monetary or fiscal policies are bound to generate changes in the economy, and these will be reflected in the exchange rates. Financial factors should be triggered only by economic factors. When governments focus on different aspects of the economy or have additional international responsibilities, financial factors may have priority over economic factors. This was painfully true in the case of the European Monetary System (EMS) in the early 1990s. The realities of the marketplace revealed the underlying artificiality of this approach .

The role of interest rates. Using the interest rates independently from the real economic environment translated into a very expensive strategy. Because foreign exchange, by definition, consists of simultaneous transactions in two currencies, then it follows that the market must focus on two

respective interest rates as well. This is the interest rate differential, a basic factor in the markets. Traders react when the interest rate differential changes, not simply when the interest rates themselves

change. For example, if all the G-5 countries decided to simultaneously lower their interest rates by 0.5 percent, the move would be neutral for foreign exchange, because the interest rate differentials would also be neutral. Of course, most of the time the discount rates are cut unilaterally, a move that generates changes in both the interest differential and the exchange rate. Traders approach the interest rates like any other factor, trading on expectations and facts. For example, if rumor says that a discount rate will be cut, the respective currency will be sold before the fact. Once the cut occurs, it is quite possible that the currency will be bought back, or the other way around. An unexpected change in interest rates is likely to trigger a sharp currency move.

Other factors affecting the trading decision are the time lag between the rumor and the fact, the

reasons behind the interest rate change, and the perceived importance of the change. The market generally prices in a discount rate change that was delayed. Since it is a fait accompli, it is neutral to the market. If the discount rate was changed for political rather than economic reasons, a common practice in the

European Monetary System, the markets are likely to go against the central banks, sticking to the real fundamentals rather than the political ones. This happened in both September 1992 and the summer

of1993, when the European central banks lost unprecedented amounts of money trying to prop up their

currencies, despite having high interest rates. The market perceived those interest rates as artificially high and, therefore, aggressively sold the respective currencies. Finally, traders deal on the perceived importance of a change in the interest rate differential.

Political crises influence. A political crisis is commonly dangerous for the Forex because it may trigger a sharp decrease in trade volumes. Prices under critical conditions dry out quickly, and

sometimes the spreads between bid and offer jump from 5 pips to 100 pips. Unlike predictable political events (parliament elections, interstate agreements conclusion etc), which generally take place in an exact time and give market the opportunity to adopt, political crises come and strike suddenly. Currency traders have a knack for responding to crises. The traders should react as fast as possible to avoid big losses. They have not much time to take decisions, often they have only seconds. Return on the market after a crisis is often problematic.

 2001 by Royal Forex. All right reserved.