Forex Study Book by Austin Aims - HTML preview

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1. Luca C. Trading in the Global Currency Markets.- 2-nd Edition. New York Institute of Finance.-

New York, 1999

2. Luca C. Technical Analysis Applications in the Global Currency Markets.-.- 2-nd Edition. New York Institute of Finance.- New York, 2000

3. Achelis S.B. Technical Analysis from A to Z. - 2-nd Edition. New York. McGraw-Hill, 2000

4. Reuters. An Introduction to Technical Analysis. – John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

5. Edwards R.D., Magee John. Technical Analysis of Stock Trends.- 7th Edition.-AMACOM, 1998.

6. Эрлих А. Технический анализ товарных и финансовых рынков. Москва, “Инфра – М”,


7. Colby R.W., Meyers T.A. The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators. Richard D.

Irwin, Inc., 1988.

 2001 by Royal Forex. All right reserved.








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