Free Funny the eBook: Writing Comedy, Jokes, and Humor for Business, Public Speaking, or Just for Laughs by Greg Dean - HTML preview

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I always thought some people were just funny or some weren’t.

Yes, but now you know it’s not magic because comedy has a specific pattern that can be learned. In this section, you’ll see how to take Comic Structure and apply it to a system of comedy writing skills that anyone can learn and practice. And the more you practice, the better you’ll get, until you can create humor virtually at will.

The Humor Generator uses the mechanisms of Target Assumption and Reinterpretation to generate ideas for jokes. This system is based on the Non One-Liner Joke Structure of Shared Knowledge. If you aren’t clear about the Non One-Liner Joke Structure, then please go back over it until you are. Otherwise, this system may be confusing.



So now, we're going to write some joke ideas. The first step is to find a situation you want to write humor about that contains many items of shared knowledge. In other words, pick something that everyone is familiar with and will generally make the same assumptions about it.

In this case, I’ll select a traditional American wedding.


Next, list as many things, events, and people that you expect to be at a traditional American wedding. Don't try to be funny. This part of the process is not funny. The funny stuff comes at the end.

Here’s Shared Knowledge Setup and several examples Existing Assumptions on Diagram 9:


Of course, these aren’t all the possible Existing Assumptions. You probably thought of a few of your own, which demonstrates how easy it is to use Shared Knowledge to generate humor.



Next we need to create an opposite or contradictory point of view to focus the Reinterpretations. This is called the Joke Premise. Here’s my definition:

Joke Premise Definition: a negative opinion about a subject.

In general, we assume everyone hopes this marriage will be successful. So, let’s go to an opposite or contradictory position, which will give us our Joke Premise.

Joke Premise: This marriage is doomed.

Here’s the Joke Premise on Diagram 10:




Next, we’ll select one Existing Assumption, bride’s gown is white, as the Target Assumption.

Here it is on Diagram 11:




Then from the point of view of the Joke Premise, this marriage is doomed, we’ll search for some Reinterpretations. To do this, ask yourself a series of questions which are framed by the Joke Premise, this marriage is doomed, and that will result in Reinterpretations that are opposite or contradictory to the Target Assumption, bride’s gown is white. Always look for the worst case scenario for the Reinterpretations.

Some Sample Questions

“What’s the worst color the dress could be?”

“What’s the worst kind of dress could this be?”

“What’s wrong with this dress?”

Here are a few examples of Reinterpretations on Diagram 12:


Notice how all the Reinterpretations are examples of the Joke Premise this marriage is doomed. This is what I meant by the Joke Premise framing the ideas for the Reinterpretations and Punches.

Will all of these Reinterpretations lead to a funny Punch?

Of course not. The purpose is to generate unexpected, yet compatible, ideas you can use for writing Punches. You may not like any of the above Reinterpretations, so make up some you yourself find funny.

Personally, the one I liked best is ghillie suit. But I didn’t think enough people would have the shared knowledge that it’s the camouflage tan grass outfit worn by snipers to remain completely hidden.



With the first round of the process complete, we’ll repeat the system. This time let’s select a different Existing Assumption to become our new Target Assumption. This time, we’ll choose Bride walks isle to “Bridal March.”

Here’s the new Target Assumption on Diagram 13:


Remember, to find Reinterpretations, ask yourself questions that’ll give you and opposite or worst case scenario.

“What’s the worst kind of music for a bride?”

“What are some titles of famous songs that would send the wrong message?”

“What are some famous lyrics that support the Joke Premise?

Now, considering the Joke Premise this marriage is doomed, check out the Reinterpretations on Diagram 14:


Of these Reinterpretations, I liked the Darth Vader’s “Imperial March” because it’s also in the cadence of a march.

I know, next we’re going to do it all over again, but with a different Target Assumption. Right?



Right. This time let’s select the next Existing Assumption on the list as the Target Assumption as shown on Diagram 15:


Next, from the point of view of the Joke Premise, this marriage is doomed, ask questions that lead to ideas opposite or contradictory to that of the Target Assumption, white cake with fancy frosting. These will be your Reinterpretations and the ideas for Punches.

“What’s another kind of cake?”

“What might it be made of?”

“What could happen to the cake?”

Here are some Reinterpretations on Diagram 16:




Now, it’s your turn to think up some Reinterpretations. You’ll use the Existing Assumption, first kiss is between bride and groom, as the Target Assumption. Next, based on the Joke Premise, this marriage is doomed, create some Reinterpretations. Remember to ask some questions.

“Who else is there?”

“Who shouldn’t kiss?”

“Who would you like to see kiss?”

Think of some Reinterpretations and mentally place them on Diagram 17:


When you go through the Humor Generator with your own Shared Knowledge Setup and its Existing Assumptions, you’ll be able to easily write ideas for original humor.

I guess you really can teach anyone to write humor.

Yes. This is possible by having a theory that when put into practice yields predictable results. You now understand Comic Structure and how to apply the mechanisms of Target Assumption and Reinterpretation to my system the Humor Generator to create ideas for jokes at will.