From Startup to Scaleup by Russell Streeter - HTML preview

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While writing this book, I surveyed over 2,000 people to find out the top challenges business owners face as they seek to grow their business. The results were not that surprising. Yes, we all want more customers, and more profits.

But high on the list of pains are things such as time management, cash flow problems, recruiting the right staff for the business, finding the right customers for the business, funding, and so on.

These are the challenges of scaling up a business and they are different to the challenges that startups face.

A Scale Up is an enterprise with annual growth in turnover of more than 20 per cent over a three-year period.

In practical terms, scaling up means rapidly growing your company toward some future target. Maybe your target is £1m in sales — or £10m, or £100m. Perhaps your goal is to sell or float your business in the future, or maybe you want to expand into new markets or countries.

What’s certain is that you're not satisfied with simply managing your business day-to-day and settling for incremental growth.

Whether you are working toward an exit, or are in it for the long-term, you’ve probably already discovered that there’s more to growing a successful business than a great idea and a passion to succeed!

You need to develop an organisation that delivers reliable revenues, excellent customer service and consistent profits, month after month, after month.

This book is for you if:

  • Your business is through the startup phase with a product or service – maybe more than one – has satisfied customers and at least a few members of staff.
  • You need new ideas and strategies for developing sales, improving profit margins and growing your business.
  • You are overwhelmed with the task of running the business that you have poured your heart and soul into.
  • You recognise that you have taken your business as far as is possible on your own, and now need some outside input.

Over the next sixty pages or so I will show you:

  • The exact formula you can use to scale up your business.
  • How to win new customers and expand your business into new markets.
  • How to leverage your existing customer base in order to develop consistent sales and profits and build long-term business value.
  • How to prepare your business for scaling up and avoid the challenges and traps that ensnare many other businesses.

Happy reading!

Russell Streeter

Founder & CEO

Excelsior Business Development