Growth Hacking 101 by Layla Galarneau - HTML preview

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Analyzing the Methods

Both push and pull methods ask growth hackers to rethink the word

“distribution.” Almost like predicting the future, growth hackers are able to analyze which trails of online distribution are spreading, and in which direction.

For those less experienced, simply conduct the research in order to determine which online portals are most popular. Much like a popular restaurant, there are ways to determine which areas are more inviting and user friendly, in terms of group congregation.

Knowing where users congregate ultimately results in how and where to push or pull them to your site. With the product method, however, distribution remains the same but the term “product” can be changed in order to apply to more customers.

Again, this applies to types of customers as well as the skil of the growth hacker in question. While the product itself cannot be changed from growth hacking, the purpose or definition can be warped to apply to multiple groups.


Also, there is not one method that specifically works better than the other and each wil depend on the product as well as the hacker, while other products wil rely on using portions of all three methods for ultimate success.