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So How Far Can Your MLM Network Go?


If you pay close attention to the model of any multilevel marketing business opportunity – anyone at random – you will see that the model depends on continuous expansion of the network. The main onus of the success of the MLM depends on bringing more and more people to the network; even if there are direct sales, they do not really influence the success of the MLM on overall terms as much as the network does. As more and more people come into the network, there is a chance of the MLM business moving toward greater successes.

The story of Dexter Yager, one of the key persons in the success of Amway is quite significant here. Yager was a truck driver before he joined Amway. He looked at the potential of this opportunity and took it on. Of course, he worked with complete devotion to the business and he saw his network building. Today, Yager has spent 31 years with Amway and these have been years well spent. His network rakes in $2 billion each year, from more than 35 countries. Today, this person is one of the main reasons why Amway is a success.

There are many stories like the one of Dexter Yager. Each one of them tells just one thing – there is no limit to the success with MLM. It depends on how you work. You begin as a normal rep, then go on to become silver, then gold, then platinum and maybe even diamond. As you prospect more, and inspire your downline to prospect and bring in more people into the network, you will see your own fortunes increasing.

The business model of MLM is such. You get commissions for the direct sales that your downline does, and you also get commissions when a new member joins in your downline. This is not to mention the bonuses that will be given out by the company for meeting certain targets. All these things are definitely going to reflect positively on the fortunes you get.

But it is important to work hard. You have to have confidence in the business idea and you have to also inspire the same confidence and motivation in the people in your downline. Only then will you see more people joining your network and your network as well as the sales growing. This is the only way to succeed in MLM – bringing more people. As that keeps on happening, there are no boundaries or ceilings for the progress of a network marketing leader.