How to Improve Your Credit Score For Your Real Estate Business by Ben Saylors - HTML preview

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Tip #40: Learn to budget

One of the biggest reasons that people develop poor credit is

overspending. In many cases, this overspending is caused by a

lack of budget. A budget can tell you how much you should be

spending on each item in your life. This allows your financial

life to stay nicely organized.

Contrary to popular belief, a budget does not have to be

constricting or boring or complicated. Simply note how much

you earn each month, and on a piece of paper, write down how

much you really need to spend on savings, rent, utilities, food,

personal care, transportation, spending money, entertainment,

hobbies, education, and other items. Make sure that you

account for every expense.

Then, simply commit yourself to spending that particular

amount on each item on your list. Of course, some expenses on

your list will change each month - you may spend more on

heating bills in the winter than in the summer, for example - but

estimating can help ensure that you can meet all your financial


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Tip #41: Live within your means

Many people believe that if they only had more money, they

would not have to worry about credit. In fact, this is not true.

Many people who have money - or at least have all the trappings

of money, including cars and nice homes - in fact have terrible


The secret of this is that it is not your income that decides

whether you are a good credit risk or a bad one but rather how

you handle money. You could be earning $7 per hour and still

paying your bills and meeting your financial responsibilities - in

which case you will have terrific credit.

You could also be earning $300 000 a year and be in terrible

debt and financial shape due to unpaid bills and excessive debt.

The best way to ensure that you have a good credit rating - no

matter what your income - is to spend less than you earn. That

means living below your means. If you have a very small

income, you may need to live with roommates in order to keep

costs down. If you have a medium-sized income, that may

mean saving more and entertaining less.

You may be interested to note that your income is not a factor in

determining your credit score. Although your past and current

employers are listed on your credit report - and although lenders

may be able to guess your financial status from your loan

amounts - your income does not count.

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This means that if you won the lottery today or suddenly

inherited a large sum, your credit score would not increase.

With your credit rating, what matters is how you manage your

money, not how much you make.

Tip #42: Get out of the spending habit

We are surrounded with advertisements that tell us to buy, buy,

buy. When we want to read a book, we buy it. When we want

to go somewhere, we take a cab or drive rather than walking.

Stopping spending consciously can be hard, but heading to your

local library, walking instead of taking a car, buying a used

computer instead of a new one - all can help you spend less and

save more. There are several ways you can save money and pay

off your debts faster by spending less:

1) When you head out, carry a small amount of cash with you

and leave your credit cards at home. That way, you will not be

able to overspend.

2) Stop catalogs from arriving at your house or discard them unread -

advertisements and catalogues encourage you to spend and buy when you don’t need to.

3) Do it yourself. Eat in rather than dining out. Dining at

restaurants or getting food delivered is always more expensive

than doing your own cooking. Also, do your own taxes rather

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than farming the job out to someone else. Wash your own car,

run your own errands, mow your own lawn. When you do

something yourself, you spend less.

4) Watch less television. It sounds strange, but television can

make you overspend - television contains many

professionally-created advertisements pushing us to spend and

spend. These ads are so well done that not spending after

watching them is sometimes very difficult (just what advertisers

want!). Switching off your television can help you avoid


5) Make do or do without. While you are repairing your credit,

channel all your extra money into paying off debts and

reestablishing good credit. Make so with what you have and

avoid shopping as much as possible.

6) Buy discount or used. Whether it is furniture or shoes, you

can save money by refusing to pay retail price.

Saving your money by spending less can let you pay off your

debts faster, something that can improve your credit score


Tip #43: Save

One of the best ways to ensure that your credit rating stays good

is to save money each month. Whether you are able to save

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$25 a month or $200 or even more, saving and investing your

savings will prepare you for financial emergencies, will get you

out of overspending, and will allow you to build investments

that can help you in later years.

With savings at your bank, you don’t have to worry that sudden

illness will make you unable to pay your bills, resulting in dings

on your credit.

Saving ten percent of your income is a nice, reasonable goal.

You can use your invested savings to make certain that your

debts never get overwhelming. Most employers and banks will

even deduct a certain amount of money from your paycheck or

account each month to be put into investments.

This can be a very convenient way to save, as you are unlikely

to miss or spend money you have taken out before you can get

your hands on it.

Tip #44: Keep track of your money

Most people are surprised by how quickly their money seems to

be spent. This is because impulse spending and small-change

spending really adds up. Small-change spending is small

spending we do without even thinking about it - buying a coffee

or a newspaper we don’t need.

Impulse spending refers to simply buying things we don’t use or

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need. In both cases, we end up spending too much

unnecessarily, and this is a problem in credit repair because you

want to be channeling as much money as you can into savings

and debt repayment so that you can repair your credit.

For a month, try keeping a daily record of every penny you

spend - including the money you spend on phones, the money

you spend on tips, everything. You will be amazed where your

money goes. Keeping track of your money this way does two


1) It automatically cuts down on spending. If you have to write

down where you spend your money, you will be much more

careful what you spend your money on.

2) It allows you to see where you waste your money and take

steps to stop the bad habit. If you notice that you always buy

the newspaper on Saturday but never read it, for example, you

can stop buying the paper on that day. Small savings can add

up over the years and can put you in good financial shape which

will be reflected in your credit risk rating.

Tip #45: Take out one pleasure and save it up

 Do you have cable?

 Do you subscribe to lots of magazines?

 Do you build your DVD collection so fast that you can’t even

watch all the movies you collect?

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We all entertain ourselves with money, but most of us have at

least one or two entertainments that we have either outgrown or

don’t enjoy as much as we once did. Cutting that expense out

and investing the savings can put us well on our way to saving

for retirement or paying off our bills. If you give up your cable

television, for example, you can pay off your credit cards that

much faster, improving your credit score.

Tip #46: Build assets and capital

Whether it is buying a car, a home, or creating an investment

portfolio, having assets can help improve your credit score by

allowing you take out secured credit, or credit in which your

assets are used as collateral.

When you take out secured credit (such as a mortgage) you

enjoy lower interest rates and easier approval. As you repay

your secured debt, your credit score will improve. Even better,

lenders do look at the types of credit you have. If you have a

mix of secured and unsecured credit, you will enjoy better risk

rating scores as it will indicate that you have the means to repay

your debts.

Building assets and capital is also a way of building financial

stability which can help protect your credit score. If you have

assets such as savings or investments, then you have a way of

generating income or repaying debts in case of an emergency.

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You also have ready money you can use in case of unexpected

medical bills or other problems.

Tip #47: Find more ways to income

While you are repairing your credit, you will want to channel as

much money as you can into savings and debt repayment. For

this, having a second income or even just a few hundred dollars

a month more can mean that you get your credit into shape


Having a secondary form of income can also keep your credit

safe - if you lose your job, you can use the money you make

from a secondary source to repay your bills until you find

another form of employment.

There are many ways to get more income:

 You can ask your employer for a raise.

 You can start to sell something through the Internet or through

a company.

 You can establish your own small business that can be tended

to on the side.

 You can rent out part of your home to make some extra money.

 -You can get a part-time or weekend job.

Whatever you do, finding an alternate source of income can help

your credit immensely.

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Tip #48: Prepare for financial emergencies

Few of us think about what would happen if we lost our jobs or

suddenly became too ill to work. The thought is simply too

terrible to contemplate in many cases, especially if we are living

paycheck to paycheck with a job as it is.

The fact is, though, that financial emergencies happen to almost

everyone at some point and they can have devastating impact in

your credit. In fact, most people who declare bankruptcy do so

because of a huge financial disaster such as sudden

unemployment, huge medical bills, a lawsuit, or divorce.

Despite this, few people plan for these problems, even though

they can happen to anyone.

If you want to keep your credit score in good trim, you should

know exactly what you would do in case of an emergency.

Developing an actual written plan can help you by letting you

take action to save your credit as soon as an emergency occurs.

Some items that could be on your financial emergency plan

could include:

1) A list of all assets you could liquidate if you had to.

2) A list of all extras or luxuries you could cut out of your life

right away if there was a problem (i.e. newspaper subscriptions,

cable television, water delivery service, Friday nights at the

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3) A list of any resources you have that could help you in case of

an emergency. Maybe you know a lawyer who deals in

financial facets of the law. Maybe you have insurance that

could help you. Maybe your employer offers a severance

package. Whatever it is, write it down. Keeping a list of these

resources will make them easier to access in case of an


4) Other ways you could get money if you had to - jobs you

could take, things you could rent out to others.

Tip #49: Get overdraft protection, insurance on your credit

cards, or other services to keep your credit in good shape

Talk to your bank and lenders about services they offer to keep

you safe. Overdraft protection, for example, is a basic service

that often costs nothing or very little extra but which protects

you in case you withdraw too much money from your bank


With overdraft protection, you do not get a “ding” on your credit

report or a charge for insufficient funds. In most cases, you get

a day or two to add more money to the account to cover the gap.

Some credit cards and other loans offer a similar service or offer

insurance which protects you in case you lose your job and are

unable to pay for a few months.

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Tip #50: Get insurance

Insurance for health, your car, your home, and for liability can

help you avoid the huge legal and medical bills that can occur

from an accident or sudden problem. For a small monthly fee,

you are covered against unexpected events that can drain your

finances and leave you with out-of control debt.

Tip #51: Get a prenuptial agreement and have a lawyer go

over all your business contracts

Most bankruptcies are caused by the fallout that occurs as a

result of business failures, law suits, health costs, and divorces.

Getting a prenuptial agreement helps to ensure that a divorce

will not adversely affect your finances and lead to a ruined

credit rating (keeping accounts separate while married is also a

good idea, as your spouse’s own financial troubles can all too

easily become your own). Having a lawyers look over

contracts can at least reduce the risks of unfavorable agreements

that can put you at a disadvantage in business.

Think Like a Lender

If you think like a lender, you can see which habits and traits

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you need to develop in order to be considered a good credit risk.

Thinking like a lender will help you understand how you must

manage your money to be appealing to lenders. There are few

tips that can put you into the right mind set:

Tip #52: Know how money works

Reading books about money and understanding how your

accounts and loans work can go a long way towards helping you

keep your credit in good repair. For example, if you know that

some loans will charge you extra if you pay off your loan faster

while others will not, you will be in a better position to make

financial decisions.

Plus, the more you know about money in general, the more

comfortable you will feel with it and the better decisions you

will be able to make, which will help improve your overall

financial state and will help you keep your credit in good shape.

You don’t need to do heavy-duty research to appreciate how

money works. One easy way to consider money is to think of it

the way you think of time. You likely hate to waste time and

you want to make the best use of it possible. Apply the same

attitudes to your financial life and watch your finances soar!

If overspending has caused you to have a bad credit score,

consider the following sneaky mind set trick: equate your money

with your time. For example, if you make twenty dollars an

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hour, then a magazine subscription of $20 will represent one

hour of your work.

Imagine an hour of your work and ask yourself whether the

subscription is worth the time you put into the twenty dollars.

Once you start seeing money as something that comes from your

hard work rather than a general “thing” impulse spending will

seem much less attractive, and it will be easier to keep your

credit card limits low and you bank account stocked up with


Tip #53: Take care of those things besides a credit score that

affect how lenders view you

Lenders will often look at not only your credit score but at other

financial indicators, such as your income, employment record,

and savings. Keeping these things in order can complement

your credit score and can help you get good overall credit. Some

lenders have their own ways of calculating credit scores, so

keeping your overall financial system in good shape is one way

to ensure that you are in good shape in all lenders’ eyes.

Be aware that when lender ask to see your credit score, the

credit bureaus send not only your credit score, but also the top

four reasons why your credit score is lowered. The most

common reasons for lowered credit scores are:

1) Serious delinquency in repaying accounts or bills.

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2) Public record of bankruptcy, civil judgment, or report to a collection agency 3) Recent unpaid or late paid debts or accounts

4) Short-term credit record

5) Lots of new accounts

6) Many accounts have late payments, defaults, or non-payments

7) Large debts or amounts owed.

Knowing that your lender sees these possible problems can help

you see the need to develop the best possible face to present to a

lender. Lenders who look at your entire credit report may get a

more positive picture of you than lenders who see only a number

and four reasons for a lower score.

Tip #54: Follow up on closed accounts

You closed a store card years ago - but is it still listed as an open

account? Bureaucratic mix-ups happen, often quite frequently.

If you want to keep your credit score good, you need to follow

up on financial details.

Whenever you close an account - whether it’s a credit account,

bank account, or utility company account, make sure that you

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get written confirmation that the account is closed and paid in

full and then follow up a few months later with the company to

confirm the closed account. This simple precaution can save

you hours of frustration - not to mention a lowered credit score.

Tip #55: Don’t move around a lot

Lenders like to see stability - it suggests stability in financial

matters as well as in your life, and makes you a better credit

risk. Plus, every time you move, you may have to change your

credit information - including switching banks. This actually

negatively affects your credit score by not allowing you to

develop long-term relationships with lenders.

Remember: Your current and past addresses are listed on your

credit report even if they do not directly affect your credit score.

Any lender looking at your full credit report will be pleased to

see that you create a stable life for yourself. Not moving too

frequently can also save you money on moving costs, which can

add up quite quickly.

Tip #56: Don’t change jobs frequently

Of course, there will be times when you will have to change
