Human Resources Management Course by ATG Educational - HTML preview

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Staff development

It is important to think about how to develop staff in order to improve the organisation’s work. Staff development might involve education, opportunities to gain experience, and learning from others. Some of the benefits of investing in staff are outlined below:

For the organization

  To be effective, an organisation needs staff with knowledge, skills and experience to carry out their jobs and deliver the organisation’s strategy. It is not always possible to recruit the right people, so it is sometimes worth taking on people who show potential and providing them with learning opportunities to enable them to meet the demands of the job.

  When people have opportunities at work to grow and develop, they are likely to become more motivated. Increased motivation leads to more effective working.

  Staff are more likely to stay in an organisation that provides opportunities for staff development. Such an organisation is usually more effective because it keeps organizational knowledge and learning.

  The context in which an organisation works is constantly changing. It is therefore essential to keep learning.
For individuals


  Opportunities to learn and grow lead to increased job satisfaction and a sense of achievement.


  Opportunities to learn and grow enable staff to develop their careers both within and outside the organisation.

Developing people is like growing a plant. We cannot make the seeds grow, but we can provide the environment they need to flourish – water, good soil, the right amount of sun and shade, fertiliser and protection from weeds and pests. In the same way, we cannot make people develop, but organisations should try to provide the environment that staff need to flourish. This section looks at how organisations can create this kind of environment.