Human Resources Management Course by ATG Educational - HTML preview

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STEP 4Planning

A development plan is a useful tool for three main reasons:


  It allows an individual to record objectives and track progress.


  It provides a basis for conversations between a line manager and a member of staff about development.


  It enables a line manager to have an overview of the development needs in the team or across a whole organisation so that resources can be allocated effectively. A development plan should record:


  development objectives


  planned learning activities


  cost of activities


  time required


  possible challenges and how to overcome them


  who is responsible for what.

It is helpful for someone to have an overview of the development needs and priorities in an organisation. This means that learning opportunities can be co-ordinated for staff with similar development needs and that strategic priorities are being addressed. It is therefore helpful if line managers send a copy of team members’ development plans to this person.