Human Resources Management Course by ATG Educational - HTML preview

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Preparing to improve human resource Management

There are two important things to identify before considering human resource management:


  The organization’s vision, purpose, mission and values.   The organization’s structure.
1 Vision, purpose, mission and values

Good human resource management depends on the organisation having a clear vision, purpose, mission and values. The vision is needed to motivate staff. The purpose is needed to ensure that staff are all working towards the same goal. Without a mission, it is impossible for the organisation to know what work needs to done, and job descriptions cannot be identified. Values show how the organisation will do its work and what kind of staff are needed to do it. The box below gives examples of vision, purpose, mission and values. It is important that an organization has identified these before reviewing and improving its human resource management.

VISION is about how we would like the world to change for the better. For example: A world without hunger.
PURPOSE is about what the organisation exists to do, in order to contribute to the vision. For example: To help people to increase food production.

MISSION is what the organisation commits itself to do and identifies the people the organization serves, where they are and how they are served. For example: To reduce hunger in our country through training, enabling and supporting farmers.

VALUES relate to what the organisation stands for. They influence the way the organization acts and give the organisation its identity. Values often make an organisation different from other organisations that address the same issue. Examples include: commitment to God; commitment to learning; commitment to relationships; commitment to excellence.

2 Organisational structure

It is helpful to consider the structure of the organisation’s staff. The best way to do this is to draw an organisational chart which shows where staff positions fit into the organisation and how they are line managed. This chart:

  makes grading systems easier to develop and enables smooth recruitment processes   helps in understanding how many people are being managed by one manager. It is advisable that no more than eight people report to a single manager
  helps to keep job titles consistent. For example, the title ‘manager’ may only be given to senior staff in the organisation
  shows where there may be gaps or overlap in positions within the organisation.


