I Guarantee You Will Buy Low Sell High and Make Money by J.P. Weber - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


It has been a real labor of love writing this book. It is taken me eight years under fairly difficult conditions. I have written parts of this book all over the world including Korea, Belgium, Germany, and Texas. I truly believe that for all us small investors this is the best way to invest and make money. Life is getting harder and you truly can't count on anyone but yourself to get ahead. I have tried to show you how. It's up to you to put into use what I have shown you. Don't procrastinate, start today. Buy a stock and start charting it.

I have started a monthly newsletter talking about the AIM system and recommending stocks, ETF's, LEAPs to buy. Remember you will get a free one-year subscription to my newsletter because you were nice enough to buy my e-book. I would be glad to hear any comments you have on the book. Investing has truly become a passion for me. I now have truly found my calling in life and have found a way to help people in the best way possible – this is truly a good way to succeed in life. Now use the advice I’ve given you and succeed for yourself and your family.

Please write to me as follows:

Jeffrey Weber

2302 Bluffridge

San Antonio, TX 78232

e-mail: jeffe13@hotmail.com

Please tell your friends about the book. They can buy a copy by going to the Smashword.com webpage and since I haven't put the book up on the Smashword site yet just tell your friends to search either my name Jeffrey Weber or the title of the book which will be Jeff’s AIM Way to Big Investing Profits– Buy Low Sell High. The book will be selling at a very low price.  I think I will price the book at $3.99. I'm doing all of my promotion of this book on a shoestring. Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated by me and your friends who benefit. If you like this book, please tell your friends, and hopefully they will tell their friends, who will tell their friends.

I want to thank you for buying my book. I truly wrote it to help you succeed. I have always wanted to help people and believe God led me to do it this way. May God bless you and always take care of you.